Creep from the past

By annoyed - 19/12/2009 05:52 - United States

Today, I received a phone call from a good guy friend of mine, someone I haven't seen for years. He tells me he has "deep" feelings for me, and wants to know since my husband is deployed, if it would be okay if we "dated" because he told his parents I'm his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 146
You deserved it 2 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JackDupp 11

When your husband comes back from deployment he and his military buddies should go have a little "chat" with him.

tell him to get a life!! Do not cheat on your husband!!!


Kuuga_Rider 0

Tell him to **** off, and tell his parents you broke up with him

fastcared 1

What a loser. What a coward. Degenerate F... . Chasing the wife of a deployed man. I'd like to kick his ass just on general principles. I advise you to do the same.

skyeyez9 24

you should let your hubby know what this guy said. Then give your hubby your 'friends' email or phone number. after a quick talk from your man Im sure your friend will back off.

The guy has been deployed, serving his counrty, and some asshole wants to get a piece of his wife. It says a lot about the guy that he had to wait until the husband was safely out of the picture before making his move...incredibly shitty thing to both people.

the_stereotype 0

You haven't seen him in years, and he's told his parents you're his "girlfriend"... Can you say, "stalker nut-job"? Ditch his ass immediately, tell your husband what's going on, then change your phone number, and have the new one listed as "unpublished" so he can't get it from Directory Assistance.

mdjn09 0

women r such ****** these days, cheating on army husbands with guys who r too much of a pussy to go fight. a century ago men who never served in the army weren't given a second look by single women, much less married army wives. all those stupid excuses of being lonely is such bs

LadyKaya 0

Easy, tiger, she didn't accept. She's saying f her life because this guy is a total freak and trying to get her to "date" him. She didn't do anything to be considered a "*****" or even imply she cheated. Back the hell off. But good for you for supporting the troops. :P Agree with them or not, always support the men and women putting their lives on the line.

He's a "good friend" but you haven't seen him in years? That makes no sense. And you actually believe that he has "deep feelings" for you, even though you haven't seen him for years? That makes no sense either. And this is not an FML. If you haven't seen him for years, he can't be that important. He just wants to **** you. And who gives a rat's ass what his parents think? Tell him "Hey, let me run that by my husband and see what he thinks." I doubt you'll ever hear from the "friend" again.

Considering OP put "deep" in quotes, I would assume she doesn't believe him. Typically I see people put something like that in quotes when the validity of it is in question.

katiepooh85 0

Wow, he's trying to use you to cover a lie he told his mom - or using his "lie" to manipulate you. Either way he is a worthless piece of crap. Just don't ever talk to him again. You're married, 'nuff said.