
By Anonymous - 28/09/2012 21:22 - Canada

Today, in the middle of sex, my boyfriend sighed, said, "I can't do this any more" and pulled out. After repeatedly asking him what was wrong, he basically told me that I suck in bed. Apparently, the way I "just lie there" makes him feel like a necrophile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 051
You deserved it 50 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I swear to the Mighty FML Deity, everyone who says "Dump him" gets my foot up their asses. What he did is called "communication" and it's vital to a relationship, especially when it comes to sex. I applaud him for actually having the balls to tell you. How else are you going to learn to stop acting like a corpse during sex?

So try a new position. Cowgirl should do the trick.


Holy crap you deserve it. Women who sit there all passive and don't do anything are almost always the one who complain that their boyfriends suck at sex. Sex requires the efforts of two people.

pretty_girl23 0

That suxx balls I swear guys always think they better at sex then girls think again

Say my name next time, that will spark Somthing!

PiaMiaPerez 1

It's someone who has sex with dead people.

mookiemookie01 24

Maybe you could try moving or being on top.

hazardmuffin 21

Sex is an activity for BOTH people. If he's always on top and you never do anything, try cowgirl position or something where YOU can do the work for once. Maybe try talking to your boyfriend and ask him what he'd like to do with you.

I know how he feels. I put everything into making her feel good but when I want to feel some of that all I hear is, and this is the truth, "But you know what you're doing." And she's three years older and has a kid!

Put your mouth on his dick and see if things don't just work out for the two of ya.

Maybe if he was man, you wouldn't have to lie there trying to feel something. Your life sucks. Dump him