
By mrsekko - 31/05/2011 12:44 - United States

Today, my daughter called for me to come into the bathroom. Turns out the tummy ache she'd been complaining of was actually parasites in her digestive tract. I could swear they were looking at me from the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 868
You deserved it 5 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLandurstoo 9

They're gonna get you! Just like I'm gonna get Chris.


I am not understanding how you did not take her to the doctor. Some people fo not deserve to parents.

kayennkay 0

did you atleast take her to the doctors afterwards o_0

jossiegregg 5

wow! she must've been in a lot of pain but **** YOUR life right?? WRONG! you sound like the worst mom ever! next time take your daughter to the doctor! I hope you at least took her to the hospital or doctor when it was over, parasites can be so dangerous!!

comkels 0

i dont understand why everyones bashing the mom, im certainly not going to waste time an money on one stomach ache. i would give tylenol. and go from their now if it would have persisted for a couple days, thats a different story. when you have kids you would understand. grow up.

PrimeStarscream 30

Well, you're an awful mom for ignoring a child's pain.

Bet you're one of the people who runs to the emergency room for every stubbed toe. A tummy ache doesn't sound like something to give too much attention to, especially when the child is only complaining a little. I complain at my headaches all the time, but that doesn't mean I want to be driven off to the hospital.

you must have amazing eye sight. parasites mixed with poo and water in a huge bowl cannot be easy to see. O.o

LadyEmi 15

The ****?? How does that even happen? Good luck with that.

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