Customer service

By breadcrumb - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Kansas City

Today, while at work, a customer, who was also on his phone, rudely asked what kinds of bread we had for his sandwich. After I told him we had many different kinds to offer, he cut me off, told me to stop playing stupid, and stormed out after holding up a long line of people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 322
You deserved it 2 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stupid is as stupid does, OP. He obviously hasn't been taught manners

mds9986 24

Sounds more like he was just bored and trolling you. Then again, human stupidity has surprised me in the past.


simmybaby_ 13

I hate working in restaurants. You always have to deal with rude people!!!

rain_climb 3

I think everyone should work in a restaurant at some point in their teenage years. That way, they might remember their experience in a few years and reconsider being horrible to someone because they know how it feels.

Don't feel bad OP, he was just a jerk and had no time for anything His loss on a good lunch I'm sure

8313girl 28

Well find him and kill him....don't complain about it on FML. Smh For the functional people, that was sarcasm. Sorry OP, people like that get on my nerves too.

wheelchairchick 11

Well you should have answered him instead of giving a smart a answer.

Such as by telling him the chemical formula of the bread

21- Pay special attention to the phrase, "…he cut me off…"

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you? OP said "We have many different kinds" and was cut off before he could list them.

I can't even comprehend this. I'm looking at it from every damn angle and I still can't understand why someone would do something like that.

I think the man meant what kind of breads that were being sold there. I think the man might have thought the cashier was done talking. Honestly if I asked that and someone replied many, I would be a bit annoyed too.

truckers_wife 23

I'm surprised this one got passed moderation. usually FMLs that are posted are written properly.

No sandwich for you! Soup sounds better for this...