Customer service

By breadcrumb - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Kansas City

Today, while at work, a customer, who was also on his phone, rudely asked what kinds of bread we had for his sandwich. After I told him we had many different kinds to offer, he cut me off, told me to stop playing stupid, and stormed out after holding up a long line of people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 322
You deserved it 2 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stupid is as stupid does, OP. He obviously hasn't been taught manners

mds9986 24

Sounds more like he was just bored and trolling you. Then again, human stupidity has surprised me in the past.


I know a website for this situation. Try Not Always Right, I'd love to see that story.

He probably thought he was done talking. He asked what kind of bread that was sold there and many isn't really an answer.

Just because someone else is rude doesn't give the right to be rude back.

bigblackdude101 16

that my friend is probably a prank call

bryce0110 23

Sounds like something from

ribx 16

To be fair, when they ask what breads you have and you just say "many" it's not very helpful

Pay special attention to the phrase, "…he cut me off…"

I have that often at the sandwich place I work at. My revenge is to give them the rubbish, hard bit of bread. You should try it as it is very satisfying.

The guy might have had a bad day, maybe he didn't mean to be rude he was just annoyed by what was going on in his life. Then he asks OP what kind of bread they have and OP gives a vague answer by saying "We have many different types" which doesn't help at all. He might just felt like "**** it" at that point. Remember there are always 2 parts of a story.

Pay special attention to the phrase, "…he cut me off…"

He also could have said 'stop playing stupid' to the person on the phone and OP took it personally. I think it's rude to be on the phone while ordering, but it might have been a serious conversation and the dude was starving..

It'd be nice if there was an enforceable store policy where you could tell a customer on their phone that they have to go to the back of the line if they don't put it down as soon as it's their turn. There is absolutely nothing anyone could say that could you could possibly not wait a half minute for you to give your order and let the next person in line move up.

Some stores over here have those. They have those signs saying "If you don't pay attention to us, we don't pay attention to you" sort of signs... And they *will* enforce it.