Love is love

By Anonymous - 30/06/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, my friend, who is gay, announced that he's getting married. I implored him to not invite my parents and (especially) my grandma, for reasons that I'm sure you can figure out, but he did anyway. Long story short, he's inconsolable. What excellent parents I have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 436
You deserved it 95

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

Well he went against your good advice, so he shouldn't be that surprised by the outcome of the situation, I think.

I agree, what did he think was gonna happen?


Wadlaen 23

Well he went against your good advice, so he shouldn't be that surprised by the outcome of the situation, I think.

I agree, what did he think was gonna happen?