Customer service

By breadcrumb - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Kansas City

Today, while at work, a customer, who was also on his phone, rudely asked what kinds of bread we had for his sandwich. After I told him we had many different kinds to offer, he cut me off, told me to stop playing stupid, and stormed out after holding up a long line of people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 289
You deserved it 2 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stupid is as stupid does, OP. He obviously hasn't been taught manners

mds9986 24

Sounds more like he was just bored and trolling you. Then again, human stupidity has surprised me in the past.


mds9986 24

Sounds more like he was just bored and trolling you. Then again, human stupidity has surprised me in the past.

Sometimes people just act unnecessarily like dicks

The customer is always right, even when they are wrong, they are right. But then you also have the times where they are just wrong and no matter how you look at it, they just can't be right.

Stupid is as stupid does, OP. He obviously hasn't been taught manners

Well he didn't deserve to be served anyway with that attitude. I hope he didn't get you in trouble and you were able to serve the other customers with no trouble. Some people are just weird

danceinconverse 25

I really hope he hasn't "bread". People like that are why we can't have nice things.

At least he left of his own accord and didn't continue to hold people up for much longer. That could have turned ugly.

I hope he didn't linger long enough to infect the other customers with the Stupid.

A07 48

People like these are the reason why employees need to be allowed to refuse people service without getting told off or laid off by their managers, Sorry OP, there's no known cure for stupid, yet.

So instead of answering his question, you just said we have 'many kinds'. Would it not have been better to do your job and list the types you had, so he could pick one and go on his merry way?

Op said that the customer cut them off when saying "we have many different kinds". It is possible op was going to then list the various kinds of bread they had.

Notice how he said "then he cut me off" as in "we have many different kinds" was a prelude to the long list he was about to give

#11 sounds like one of those people who would always "need to speak to the manager" regarding some simple shit.

wheelchairchick 11

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do you people not read? the op was cut off before they had a chance to tell them what kinds of bread they had, they were obviously going to. jeeze dumbass...