Customers from hell

By midnightblade163 - 13/01/2016 12:06 - Australia - Caringbah

Today, at work a customer yelled at me, called me a 'fucking bitch', 'a fat whore', and, told me to lose weight because I wouldn't let her in the grocery store I work at to buy lettuce, after we'd closed. Lettuce for her lizard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 269
You deserved it 1 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Some people are just assholes. Customer service sucks!


Oyas12 14

don't worry OP. I doubt she didn't even have nice dressing skills.

I've personally experienced situations like these when I worked in retail. It sucks and you just wanna be able to freely express what you want to say ,but that would get you in trouble so you keep your mouth shut. Pretty sure when they finish the work day they wanna leave. well so do retail workers.

Next time tell her to try mustard or collard greens instead. Assuming she has a bearded dragon, lettuce can actually cause it to have impaction and die.

Customers really can be a special kind of stupid sometimes. I remember I was closing up once and someone was banging on the door to be let in and served, even though we'd closed. I told him we close at ten, and his response is: "It's only five-past!" Five-past-what, you silly fool?

Should banish him from the store! I knew I was gonna hit FYL after I read "today, at work, a customer. .. " does any sentence starting with those worlds ever end well on this app? Hang in there, all of you having to deal with "customers".

snarkytruth 37

"Sorry, We're closed..." (Rude comments) "Good luck trying to catch some bugs. Bu- bye!" Wow taking out her neglect for her lizard on you, could've just got a fast food burger and asked for extra lettuce. Hateful and can't plan ahead doesn't deserve to care for a pet.

Honestly? I probably would have nicked a few less desirable leafs of lettuce (wilted, torn, bit gross for people looking) and just given them to her and told her to come back tomorrow. OP doesn't have to stay open. Customer doesn't get their way via being an asshat. Lizard still gets his lettuce.

If it makes you feel any better, she's a terrible lizard owner. Only idiots feed their reptiles lettuce; at best, it has no nutritional value, and at worst, it can kill them.

Lose some weight and you'll at least reduce the number of insults people can throw at you.