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By Anonymous - 23/12/2016 00:22

Today, a coworker told me I was "fat shaming" them by discussing weight loss with other coworkers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 618
You deserved it 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give them a crayon and a coloring book. Put them in their safe space, and close the door. This is political correctness at its best.

mamasquirrel78 2

Just because you haven't witnessed it personally doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Yes, there is a Fat Acceptance movement and no, it is not the same as body positivity. Fat Acceptance has been around for quite awhile and is supposed to be about combating anti-fat bias. However, most of the people within it use it as a way to convince themselves that they're fine, it's everyone else with the problem. They don't see being morbidly obese as a health problem and rage if a doctor tells them that dropping some weight may help their joint pain, hypertension, PCOS and may reduce their risk of several different types of cancer and heart disease. They believe that if a retail outlet doesn't carry their size, it's discrimination and that what they eat and the amount are in no way connected to their weight. These people are in no way body positime. Body positivity is about celebrating and believing in personal health regardless of size. These people denigrate anyone smaller than them, including other obese or overweight people that aren't their size. If anyone decides to eat healthier or ends up losing weight due to changes they've made to feel better (because many people in the BP movement do that), they are labeled as traitors or told they are fat shaming/fat hating. If anyone talk about weight loss around them, they are told they are fat shaming, like OP's story, even if they weren't involved in the conversation at all. These people are in no way positive. They're self hating underneath and project it outwards. They actually promote harmful behaviors because it is more important to continue deluding themselves that they're just as healthy as anyone else no matter how big they are, and some are quite large.


A07 48

While you're on the subject, tell them they'll get a new year resolution discount if they join the gym in the first week of January.

lexiieeex3 32

Well if the shoe fits --or rather, doesn't fit in this case...

Give them a crayon and a coloring book. Put them in their safe space, and close the door. This is political correctness at its best.

I guess it depends on what you said. If it was "I cut out carbs and already lost 10 pounds" then your coworker is being ridiculous/jealous and paranoid (for thinking it was somehow a dig at them). If it was "I feel so great after that cleanse, I don't know why people say dieting is hard. Like seriously- just put down the fork, piggy" then yes, that would make you the asshole here.

Ridiculous. While it's not good to put down people for their weight, I'm heavily against the fat acceptance movement. Let's not congratulate people for piss poor diet and exercise habits. Don't worry about that persin. they probably feel guilty about being unhealthy.

There is no fat acceptance movement. That is just paranoia. The only movement, if you can call it that, is happiness, body positivity, and confidence. For any body type. You know, the things that can in part help stop self harm and suicide? The thing we all strive for? The point isn't to brainwash people into thinking being too fat, (or skinny) is ok or the goal. It's for people to just be happy with who they are. You've seen big sassy people and skinny people. Whatever people think, think of their health aside, they are perfectly ok with who they are. Their personal life choices do not affect you. You being all "but wahh mommy, they are ewwy eww gwoss." is not an excuse or reason. This applies to men and women both. Now if someone isn't happy with their body, truly unhappy, yeah they should strive to make changes. The person in this story did overreact quite a bit, but they aren't the only one. Hint hint. You can say oh they need a safe space, but they apparently aren't the only one who need it from a visual thing. If anything, being anorexic and bony is becoming a movement by your logic too. Seeing XS/ extra small clothing in kids and teenager and adult clothing? No. Not normal. Not healthy either. It's just as disgusting. Mind your own and keep walking if you see something that triggers your eyes. Focus on yourself, not others. That includes your loved ones. If they want to change they will. Being happy and confident should not be viewed as a bad thing.

You and #5 are getting at opposite ends of a spectrum, there's got to be some happy median in there. Body positivity as a means to make people comfortable in their lives is indeed fantastic, but consider that those with the most unhealthy lifestyles also tend to be the least likely to acknowledge the problem (alcoholics, addicts, smokers). Its not beyond being reasonable to add the obese to that category. I can at from my own experience, having been overweight from around age 12 til last year, that I was woefully unaware of the health risks my weight posed. I was continually reinforced by family, friends, and the media that my weight was ok, perfectly normal, had that continued I would never have changed. Instead, someone like #5 intervened and encouraged me to seek out real information about the health risks and motivated me to lose 70lbs in a year. You're right, positivity about your body is key to happiness, but long term happiness comes from being both comfortable and healthy. There is such a thing as going too far in pursuit of health, leading to malnourished or anorexic children you mention, but let's not let that dissuade anyone from pursuing a proper, healthy lifestyle. I'd like to propose a line of thinking somewhere between these two comments. One that encourages health, that is not afraid to point out those that need to change their lifestyle, but one that does so out of genuine concern for individual wellbeing rather than "shaming." Perhaps a type of intervention for the masses on the genuine risks of obesity, ways to get help, to change, and especially to prevent children from growing up learning these same flawed lifestyles.

14, I got bored after your first sentence so I did not read your comment. there is indeed a fat acceptance movement. you typing novels on my comment won't change that. I believe in being positive and accepting the body you're in while achieving a healthier you. I don't condone bashing and I don't want anyone to feel bad about themselves. what I don't condone is not making steps to a positive lifestyle and getting defensive about it.

How did you manage school or anything else, not having the ability to read more than a few words. Laziness or learning issues. What a sad pity. Not only that, but you completely disregarded, what I thought was a relatively well thought out counter point. Not perfect, but decent. Short enough for you?

mamasquirrel78 2

Just because you haven't witnessed it personally doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Yes, there is a Fat Acceptance movement and no, it is not the same as body positivity. Fat Acceptance has been around for quite awhile and is supposed to be about combating anti-fat bias. However, most of the people within it use it as a way to convince themselves that they're fine, it's everyone else with the problem. They don't see being morbidly obese as a health problem and rage if a doctor tells them that dropping some weight may help their joint pain, hypertension, PCOS and may reduce their risk of several different types of cancer and heart disease. They believe that if a retail outlet doesn't carry their size, it's discrimination and that what they eat and the amount are in no way connected to their weight. These people are in no way body positime. Body positivity is about celebrating and believing in personal health regardless of size. These people denigrate anyone smaller than them, including other obese or overweight people that aren't their size. If anyone decides to eat healthier or ends up losing weight due to changes they've made to feel better (because many people in the BP movement do that), they are labeled as traitors or told they are fat shaming/fat hating. If anyone talk about weight loss around them, they are told they are fat shaming, like OP's story, even if they weren't involved in the conversation at all. These people are in no way positive. They're self hating underneath and project it outwards. They actually promote harmful behaviors because it is more important to continue deluding themselves that they're just as healthy as anyone else no matter how big they are, and some are quite large.

No, Tumblr is the crazy/obsessed fandom site.

#7 I don't think he meant it literally but that is the essence of Tumblr. They embody the stereotype of sensitive millennials and are a laughing stock to everyone else.

It sounds like they are just self conscious and looking for other people to share the blame with

Did you laugh in their face? Because you should have.

"oh I'm sorry, did I invade your safe space? I guess its range must have been getting bigger know....just like its owner's."

if you were discussing his weight loss...