Cute but messy

By Anonymous - 25/02/2023 00:00

Today, my kids made a mess in the kitchen while trying to make breakfast in bed for me. The mess was bigger than the breakfast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 706
You deserved it 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welcome to being a parent. Kids who haven’t been taught how to cook without making a mess are going to be messy… It’s sweet when the kid(s) want to do something nice for their parent. But unless they know what they are doing, it’s going to be messy and potentially hazardous… Don’t get me wrong - Kids (boys and girls both) need to learn to cook at least a few things that they eat - It’s a basic survival skill. And they need to learn to clean up after themselves. You have to act appreciative of the things your kids or family do for you and not too critical of the mess - While also showing them how to cook a few things safely.

I’ve had that happen so many times. I never get mad at the mess, because it’s the thought that counts as far as I am concerned. That’s life with kids really. Enjoy it, because once they become tweens or teens, a lot of the stuff they do when little, goes away and you’ll miss it.


Welcome to being a parent. Kids who haven’t been taught how to cook without making a mess are going to be messy… It’s sweet when the kid(s) want to do something nice for their parent. But unless they know what they are doing, it’s going to be messy and potentially hazardous… Don’t get me wrong - Kids (boys and girls both) need to learn to cook at least a few things that they eat - It’s a basic survival skill. And they need to learn to clean up after themselves. You have to act appreciative of the things your kids or family do for you and not too critical of the mess - While also showing them how to cook a few things safely.

I’ve had that happen so many times. I never get mad at the mess, because it’s the thought that counts as far as I am concerned. That’s life with kids really. Enjoy it, because once they become tweens or teens, a lot of the stuff they do when little, goes away and you’ll miss it.

I hope you helped them clean up and told them that while it's so sweet and thoughtful to make breakfast cleaning up is part of the deal. Some parents do the horrible mistake of getting upset and then ruining the kids will to do things and to try things out.