
By zzzgrady - 27/10/2010 02:46 - United States

Today, after having the worst night of my life, my boss chewing me out and acid reflux all morning, I went to the snack machine at work to get the only thing that makes me happy, Reese's PB cups. I had just enough money to buy the very last one in the machine, and it got stuck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 153
You deserved it 4 146

Same thing different taste


you expect those to do any good when you have acid reflux? ydi

At least the machine is preventing you from getting any fatter.

People with acid reflux should not eat chocolate. It's one of the main "trigger" foods.

Omorfessa 0

Yah, comfort food will make it all better ... put all the cups in your mouth at once while breathing heavily through your nose. Melted chocolate and peanut butter running from the corner of your mouth down your chins ... mmmmm so hot!!!

I find it hard to believe that Reece's Peanut Butter Cups are the ONLY thing that makes you happy. If that's the case, your life must be really miserable...

PBC sucks, but Reeses Pieces are epic. Anyway, FYL, that happened the other day to me with m&ms =/

Alei7 0

Well, that's annoying! Hopefully something happy will happen to you soon!

Alei7 0

ROFL! I could so see someone doing that #6! ;)