Dang y'all

By Kayak - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I was verbally abused by a tourist because neither I nor anyone else in my country can speak "proper English". We're in England - clue's in the name, dipshit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 794
You deserved it 4 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

challan 19

I'm dying to ask what country the tourist was from, but I'm petrified that you'll say the states.


When I moved from England to New Jersey as a little girl, my American grandma told me that all the words and pronunciations I used that differed from typical US usage was wrong, and that American English was the "right" way to speak. And the people at my new school tried to convince my mom that I had a speech impediment because of my accent and that I needed speech therapy. Some people are just too proud and/or narrow minded and/ or.stupid to realize that the form of English with which they grew up isn't the standard everywhere, or that there is no universal standard for the English language at all.

It's not even standard in the US-I can't understand some people from parts of the South.

justmeCee 16

Lol. It must've been an American that said that to you, OP. Am I right?

Or a Canadian said it, cause the English have butchered the English language so badly....

Canadians are a lot closer to the British in their English in spelling (favourite, colour, neighbour) than the states. And they have accents as well (Newfie accents, for example) that differentiate them. Butchering of the English language by using "lol, omg" and terrible grammar can happen regardless of your country. The tourist could have been referring to a lot of things, like slang or names, that can cause a world of difference. For example, meat pies vs. savoury pies, or double fisting drinks, or erasers vs. rubbers.

Every part of every country in the world has accents that differentiate them... Not sure where you were trying to go with that...

Some people think Canadians are 100% like Americans. I was trying to point out some of the differences.

The tourist should know that's there is American English and British English...

Wes870 - I was really hoping you had used "their" to make an ironic point. Alas, I was wrong.

Just wait until they hear the royal we.

were they american? cuz this is why i hate americans, and i hate being an american. we suck. im totally in love with the british culture; so nice and polite

Come to England and you'll soon change your mind.

Then go live in England. We don't need you here.

"We suck"? Maybe you just suck? Hating on Americans in general because of the assumption of the origin of a random idiot on an fml post makes you look like an absolute idiot. You hate Americans? Move someplace else and shut the hell up about it

I hate nationalism but I'm embarrassed to be American ;-;

I'm proud to be an American! If u dnt like it here then LEAVE!

A lot of hate on a person that speaks the way Europe thinks... what exactly is left to be proud of America? Living 20 years earlier, yeah there is something about the USA to be proud of, but nowadays? Really? What are you proud of? Police brutality? Corruption? Prism? Human rights violations in favor of corporations? Prison state? Being the lowest of all western countries on accounts of health-care, education, poverty and wellfare? Every western country dubbing America as a third-world country? I can go on but you see my point... Care about America? Take your country back and turn it back into something to be proud of.

You act like leaving's an easy thing! Even if you just go to Mexico or Canada, moving's ******* expensive! Not to mention having to figure out all the new taxes and terms!

51, I suppose you think that makes you superior to the rest of us. Guess what: a bigot won't forgive you for being American simply because you are a self-hating American. That's the nature of bigotry. Be proud of who you are because no one will respect you until you do. 89, You clearly think like a European yourself, what with the way you lump the entire United States into a single category. That's like categorizing the entire continent of Europe as one culture. And sure, America has its problems, but there's a lot of good things about America too. That's why illegal immigration is one of those problems. People wouldn't risk their lives and also jail time by trying to get into and live in a country that has nothing to offer.

Ok what's a good thing about America?

I'm glad you asked, mbuck. For one, The United States is the most generous country in the world, according to the World Giving Index. In 2013, our willingness to strangers brought us back up to the number one most generous country in the world, reclaiming the title from your nation, Australia. Like your iPhone, Android phone, or Windows phone, Windows computer, or Mac Book? You have American companies to thank for those products. Do you enjoy music? The Blues, an American genre, has inspired many of the most universally popular genres, including rock, country, and rap. Speaking of music, you can thank Thomas Edison, an American inventor, for developing the first sound recording and playback device, making your CDs and mp3s possible. Speaking of Thomas Edison, you can thank him for the light bulb and the motion picture camera too. Are you going to confirm these facts I've presented? What search engine are going to use? Google perhaps? Yeah, Google is owned by an American company as well. Perhaps you'll vent about this obnoxiously patriotic American you met on FML. Going to use a social networking site, perhaps? Maybe facebook? Ha, guess what? That's American too. Enjoy using sites like FML? Well it's a French website, but guess who first developed the internet? The US Navy. So, mbuck, if you'd like to continue to refuse to acknowledge that there is anything good about America, I suggest you sit in a dark room and twiddle your thumbs. Or you could read a book by candle light, but be careful not to accidentally pick a Stephen King novel.

Thank you, koolkool. Yes, Metalica. That's another good thing about America. Also, cheesesteaks. Cheesesteaks are awesome.

lol #114 Thomas Edison didn't invent most of the things you mentioned. Lightbulb was invented by Humphrey Davy - English, Frederick DeMolyns - English, J.W. Starr - American Joseph Swann - English Nikola Tesla - Serbian Movie Camera was invented by William Lincoln - American Louis Lumiere - French William Friese-Greene - English Record Player was invented by Thomas Edison - American Alexander Graham Bell - English Emile Berliner - German But hey, regardless what state your country's in, at least you got Stephan King? I love your trail of thought lol

Thomas Edison didn't invent the first light-emitting bulb, no, but, in conjunction with those who worked for him in his lab, he did invent the incandescent bulb, which is what was used in homes for about a century until the recent invention of LED bulbs. After some research I found that, although Edison is often credited with the invention of the movie camera, the Kinetiscope was actually invented by his Scottish employee. And I never said Thomas Edison invented the record player. I said he invented a recording and playback device, which is true. He invented the phonograph, which both recorded and played back sound. His design was the inspiration for the record player, which didn't have a recording function. That's not really the point, though. It's ignorant to claim that there is nothing good about a country or no reason to be proud of belonging to a country, simply because it has problems, or because there are things you don't like about it, or because bad things happen there sometimes, or because some people there happen to be ignoramuses. I'll be the first to admit that America has its problems. I'm highly critical of certain laws, politicians, and cultural aspects of America. But every country has its problems and ignoramuses, and every country (with exception to the most barbaric ones) is also great in its own way, and can boast its own geniuses and innovators. America is no exception. I could write hundreds of pages about what is wrong with America, and I can also write hundreds of pages about what makes America great. Personally, although I know there is always room for improvement, I love America, and there's no other nation I'd rather belong to. Also, I'm telling you, man: cheesesteak. Visit Philadelphia and get a cheesesteak from Pat's King of Steaks. Also try buffalo wings. They're amazing.

Lumping together America and lumping together Europe are totally different things. America is a bunch of state's grouped under one president, the laws usually are about the same within the state's, even if one state has a good law for the people, the company can just move to another state. Europe is a buch of state's grouped under one king (the **** we are in the 21st century) or president grouped under a senate of elected politicians from all those countries but not voted in by those countries grouped under one president with so little power. Europe excist purely for commerce, it isn't involved (except requiring a basic minimum, a minimum that America usually won't reach) in matters like health care, education, ... Yes I know America has a senate to, I just wanted to point out that Europe does not equal America. You can't just get elected as a politician of Europe.

Well, there is the European Union, but that's not the point. America is so geographically huge and it's so populace, and its states actually do have such varying laws, that visiting one state and then another is quite like visiting two different countries. I dare you to visit New York, then Louisiana, then Texas, then California, and try to tell me how they're all so similar. But what do you know about it, anyway? You're Bulgarian. And really, if that's the best rebuttal you can come up with for everything I've said, then I've made my point. Now go turn off all your lights and disconnect your internet, and start speaking German so you don't have to suffer the influences of this supposedly shitty nation.

Wait, wait, wait... start speaking German? Is America the only English-speaking country now? How about England? "Clue's in the name, dipshit."

^ I was referring to America's role in WWII.

You make America sound like that one annoying friend who did you a favor that one time, and now keeps reminding you of it every single time he sees you. You know the one. Also... uhmmm... she's not Bulgarian. She's Belgian. So... ally, not axis.

Out of all the comments I made, I referred to WWII exactly once, and only because people were claiming that there's nothing good about America/ no reason to be proud of it. I'm not the one going around telling people their country sucks on a medium invented by their country, but somehow I'm the annoying one. Haters gonna hate, I guess. And yes, you're right. That was my mistake, about Bulgaria / Belgium, but unlike some people here, I'm not too hard headed to admit I've made a mistake. I misread what it said in the profile, that's all. It happens. However, my point remains that there's a good chance that Europe would be under Nazi rule if not for the US.

I'm sure America has been using that argument before, though. "This is such a nice whisky. Is it 20 years old? Wow... almost as long as it's been since that time I lent you some cash because you didn't have any for the taxi fare". "Omg, your eyes are so green. Green like that sweater I let you borrow that one time". "Look at the ass on that girl. Reminds me of the time we saved your ass at war. Ah, WWII... such memories." I just fail to see your point at all. Haven't they been talking about America today? Wiccaantje specifically said, "Living 20 years earlier, yeah there is something about the USA to be proud of, but nowadays? " So why are you bringing all this past talk here? In any case, she was trying to encourage people to turn America into something they can be proud of. I don't see anything wrong with that. All of this persecution paranoia really gets tiring.

Well, I live in America, so I'd know better than you what Americans are like, and no, we don't constantly bring up favors we've done for people. That's actually considered quite rude here, and not exactly in the spirit of generosity I cited earlier, which is quite current I might add. I hope you realize how prejudiced you're being. And our conversation here is irrefutable evidence that people still use the internet, something developed by the US Navy. I'm also quite certain people still use smart phones and computers. And people are still singing the blues, rocking out, and dropping phat beats, all under the glow of lightbulbs, so I don't see how you can claim that those things are from the past either. And there's many other reasons to be proud of the US, but it would take far too long to name them all and I might never finish if I tried. And what she said was that there's nothing to be proud of about America anymore, which as I've proven, isn't true. Plus, she wasn't the only person saying that kind of shit. She also compared the US to Europe and claimed we need to take our country back, but if you ask me the biggest problem with the US is that it's slowly becoming more like Europe. And I'm not bad mouthing Europe, but it's not my cup of tea. Personally I feel that it's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. There's a reason I choose to live in the US rather than the UK, of which I am a duel citizen. But seriously, what's with all the hate here? Why can't we be friends? *extends olive branch* In any case, I've grown tired of this conversation. If you want to continue to claim that I have no reason to be proud of my country, then that's up to you, but I think you're being silly. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to drive my Hyundai to the supermarket and pick up some croissants so my boyfriend and I can enjoy them while we admire his photos of the Cysteine Chapel, and then we'll make a toast to Japan, France, and Italy, because I'm not such a raging hypocrite that I'd claim that there's nothing good about a country while enjoying its products.

LOL. Well that was easy. I am surprised about the generosity part, but stats is stats. There is no doubt America has some great history, but I should have said America right now: -spying -illegal wars -giving money and weapons to rebel groups to instigate riots to lead to regime change in countries on the other side of the world -your 'democratic' electoral system (ours is just as bad) (and if you don't agree with this one I want you to think REAL hard about who gets put up for you to elect, and what the biggest factor in getting elected president is) -metallica's newish music (fuel - need I say more) -The GFC -American corporations decimating natural environments in third world countries -the TPP -lance Armstrong (not the charity part) -calling your baseball tournament the 'world series' -Jersey shore Man I could keep going

Well, I would like to stay in my country and outside of the influence of America but unfortunatly America doesn't stay within it's borders. America's business is the entire world's business because they butt their heads in everyone's political climate, do corporate spying on goverment level and do political spying. Why do you think everyone is talking shit about America? How many allies do you have left? I don't think there is any country that wouldn't want America to just dissepear, they won't go to war with them but if North-Korea would drop a bomb on America, there would be massive relief because the global terroïst is off the planet.

Hmmm a nuke is a bit far but I agree with the rest