Dang y'all

By Kayak - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I was verbally abused by a tourist because neither I nor anyone else in my country can speak "proper English". We're in England - clue's in the name, dipshit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 794
You deserved it 4 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

challan 19

I'm dying to ask what country the tourist was from, but I'm petrified that you'll say the states.


aaronire 19

The thing is as native English speakers, our English is completely incorrect as we are subject to the curse of "spoken English", which grammatically speaking is incorrect.

I like how it's assumed that they were American. Could have been Canadian, Austrailian, ect...

I was thinking that too. As if America and England are the only English speaking countries in the world and dip ***** can only be from America.

I was thinking it was someone from a non-English-speaking country who learned a little English before visiting England. Talking to native speakers in a language you've only just learned can be difficult because the new learner usually speaks pretty formally, sticking to the grammar rules they've learned, while native speakers often use less formal language like improper grammar and slang.

I don't always speak English, but when I do, I go too England and piss on the native people about proper English.

I hate how tourists expect us to speak like "good day old chap, would one like tea and crumpets for ones luncheon"

"I, nor anyone else in my country," ***** That would have helped.

They've probably been watching TOWIE and expected everyone to sahnd lark thaaat

ccubsfan94 1

It's because you don't. proper English is what Americans speak because back in the 1400 1500s you posh assholes made a new version so you didn't sound like the poor. The the poor moved to America and kicked your ass in war and now speak true English.

Technically, English from certain states and Canada is more accurate than England English, a couple hundred years ago, people in England would've sounded similar to Canadians due to the fact that we all spoke in a rhotic accent, eventually people in England felt the need to differentiate themselves from us and developed the non rhotic accent we know today. The more you know....

I saw a very interesting program on this! It's quite interesting.

Maybe they are in Essex no one talks properly Essex.