Dang y'all

By Kayak - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I was verbally abused by a tourist because neither I nor anyone else in my country can speak "proper English". We're in England - clue's in the name, dipshit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 794
You deserved it 4 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

challan 19

I'm dying to ask what country the tourist was from, but I'm petrified that you'll say the states.


blackvyper 8

The tourist has a point. English people have a horrible habit of not pronouncing words correctly. Please, enunciate!

unixdude 9

Just because you are in England doesn't mean you can speak English.

I'd like to apologize on behalf of my country.

I'm scottish. The english are always bastardising their language, often painfully! Hahahahaha

While I agree that an American chiding a Brit over the English they speak is stupid, there are many dialects in England, particularly in the midlands and York which are practically unintelligible as they contain a great many non-standard English words and usages. It becomes increasingly difficult for Americans, who are unfamiliar with localized terms and jargon to understand when spoken quickly, especially as you move into the lowlands and then the highlands of Scotland. I don't personally have these issues but as a comparison, I would refer you to British native and Ricky Gervais' foil Karl Pilkongton.

You get spoken English and actual English. Actual English is the officially defined language as written, with rules and everything. there are many variants of English, but as you are from England, we will refer to the Queen's English. The closet to the speaking Queens English in Britain are the people in southern England. But as of a pole back in the early 2000's, the population that speaks the closest to Queen's English (more so than the Brits ) are the South Africans... and that is very surprising as I am South African and I know how we butcher the language. So if you are from Southern England, he is the dumb ass, but if not... you are the dumb ass.

Lady_Vampy 2

What are you talking about? South African English is no way nearer to Received Pronunciation (Queen's English) than other English accents. Estuary English is probably the closest accent to RP within the country, which is mainly spoken in the more affluent areas of London. Those of us with stronger accents can be a little hard to understand if your first language isn't English but if it is, you have no excuse for making such a damning statement. As for York having a strong accent I think you mean Yorkshire but the accents there are no less intelligible than someone from the Deep South of America or in South Africa. I will concede however that a lot of Brits have a woeful command of English; my best friend speaks English as his third language yet has a better understanding of my first language than may people with whom I went to school.

I assume he was American... Please forgive our country for our bullshit.

Rax_fml 6

English people do that as well, Alcohol is a universal language though.