Dang y'all

By Kayak - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I was verbally abused by a tourist because neither I nor anyone else in my country can speak "proper English". We're in England - clue's in the name, dipshit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 794
You deserved it 4 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

challan 19

I'm dying to ask what country the tourist was from, but I'm petrified that you'll say the states.


yellowzinnias 20

Oh lud, this reminds me of when I visited the UK this summer. It was my first time out of the country, and being a huge Anglophile I loved EVERYTHING. I even tried the black pudding (though I can't say I cared for it.) On day two I was in line to purchase a day pass at the tube station, when I heard a woman in front of me with a very thick U.S. Southern accent (I am from a lower Midwestern state that many people mistake for the South) telling the clerk, "the hotel accidentally put some baked beans on my plate this mornin'! That's just groooooss!" I wanted to laugh SO badly, and I felt terrible for the clerk who just stuttered a bit and got her ticket quickly. At London-Heathrow to head home, I was waiting to check in while the couple behind me were discussing their intended visit to the currency exchange to trade their GBP for U.S. dollars. Woman: We have twenty pounds, so that's just twenty dollars, right?" Man: "Yeah, it's like, exactly the same. I don't know why they have to call it something different, like it isn't." That time I couldn't keep quiet. I turned and politely informed them that the current exchange rate was approximately $1.53. I won't say that I think my fellow Americans were the worst tourists I met (a group of Bulgarian adults were thrown out of the British Museum while I was touring because they wouldn't stop climbing on the statues for pictures after being asked -- in English AND Bulgarian -- multiple times) but I certainly understand why we're apparently dreaded.

JudgeComrade 17

In 'Murrica, we speak 'murrican. And in Australia, they speak upside-down English.

your people invented the ******* language that idiot needs to be educated

The aluminum aluminium thing bugs me. I'm scottish. I live in Canada. It's still aluminium!

I doubt that the problem would be the accent. When I first learned English I couldn't tell the difference between an American, Canadian, British or Australian accent. Hearing accents is one of the last things you master when learning a language - at least from my experience.

I am so sorry op not all of us are ******* idiots like the Tourist I blame the school system now a days I mean a lot of kids can't point to the USA on a map or New York either and that's just sad

They were probably expecting posh but they were disappointed when our real accents came out.

******* Brits. Go **** yourselves all of you. The English language is completely ****** and your country is full of inbred toothless retards. I speak American. It sounds dumb but we don't speak with our English twats we use are mouths like the rest of the world. Take the crown and shove it up your ass. Nobody in America gives a shit about your royal collection of fucktards. Stop sending your shit singers to America we don't like them. Why can't they make money there? Because nobody likes you. Your the scum of the world and the only thing your destined to be is fat sandwich eating slobs. So **** off because the only way I'm going to ever be in England is if I someday own the whole ******* island!

If you want to get technical, *he/she is. Pretty sure we're talking about one tourist, right? :)