Date night

By avaiia - 09/08/2016 20:32 - United States - Chicago

Today, I had a first date. We really hit it off and wound up watching movies together and talking late into the night. I ignored a developing migraine all night, then tried to leave hurriedly when it got bad. He stalled me leaving by asking what's wrong. I started vomiting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 772
You deserved it 1 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allornone 35

I can understand you trying to ignore it a long as you could in order to keep a good night going, but when it got that bad, you should've just told him. If he's really a good guy, he would've understood. but who knows? If you start dating, maybe this will make for a good cute first date story in the long run

Ignoring a very bad migraine can lead to serious health problems... You should have explained the situation to him, and rescheduled.. If he couldn't understand, he wasn't worth the time...


now he has a reason to call you back, to check up on you. a good man will laugh about this with you on your 10th date!

For those of you who have never experienced a migraine before, once they start, there's not much you can do. You can take ibuprofen to slow it down, but it only helps so much (if you don't throw it up). Showers or a wet cloth help the pain a little too, but usually all you can do is lay in a cold, quiet room and hope you can sleep through the pain. I don't blame her. Hanging out with a friend sounds way better than slowly dying alone. Also, keep in mind, migraines and headaches are much different. Headaches are an aching head. Migraines effect your vision, sound, balance, and ability to think clearly. I grew up having migraines as a side effect of my allergies so, while I'm sure people experience then differently, I am speaking from my own experiences.

YDI. A migraine is very serious and should not be ignored.

@26 I get what you are saying but she did ignore a serious problem. like you mentioned, migraines sometimes affect your vision and various other things which can be problem for OP to go home by herself, like a possibility of a car crash, and without telling the other person of the reason just bolting out like that would seem weird and hurt some feelings. My girlfriend, like you gets migraines because of her severe allergies but she doesn't wait till it gets super bad. she leaves early gets some meds or if it's super bad there is this one medicine that just knocks her out

if you end up dating it will be a funny first date story. My boyfriend passed out on our first date then his mom walked in while we were watching a movie but it was on a sex scene and I think she thought it was ****. lol

Hope you got his number, cause you totally are going home to deal with that

I got a migraine last night and before I get them my vision gets very blurry and I had to drive for 45 minutes, barely able to see

You shouldn't need to be told not to drive with blurry vision. Do you want to cause an accident??

Ignoring a migraine is just stupid. An average migraine is enough to make me want to lay down for the rest of my life.

You can't help if you have a migraine at the same time as you are on your date. And even if you vomited,just tell him what went wrong,if he really is a nice guy he'll just understand and he'll just reschedule. I hope everything went well for you at the end ! :)