Date night

By avaiia - 09/08/2016 20:32 - United States - Chicago

Today, I had a first date. We really hit it off and wound up watching movies together and talking late into the night. I ignored a developing migraine all night, then tried to leave hurriedly when it got bad. He stalled me leaving by asking what's wrong. I started vomiting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 772
You deserved it 1 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allornone 35

I can understand you trying to ignore it a long as you could in order to keep a good night going, but when it got that bad, you should've just told him. If he's really a good guy, he would've understood. but who knows? If you start dating, maybe this will make for a good cute first date story in the long run

Ignoring a very bad migraine can lead to serious health problems... You should have explained the situation to him, and rescheduled.. If he couldn't understand, he wasn't worth the time...


da_epic_failman 7

This exact thing has happened to me. It never stopped a good thing from continuing :)

I'm a bit confused, why do you say "if there was a YDI button?" There is one ( I apologize if it just went over my head haha)

The YDI is not given as an option on this specific fml.

You should have left much earlier. Not only would you have vomited privately, but you would have fulfilled that old show-biz commandment, "Leave them wanting for more."

CliffyB03 28

I always keep excedrin on me. Mine get that bad too. Keep some on you

Ugh, as someone who has had migraines since I was 10 years old, I feel your pain OP. People often think a migraine is just an excuse or something and if you're enjoying yourself sometimes you get optimistic about how really horrible it will be and try to stick it out. If he is a nice guy that likes you, he won't mind the vomit. I got extremely drunk by accident on a second date a few years ago and puked in a guys bathtub while crying hysterically, and he just held my hair and rubbed my back. We're getting married next year! :)

I agree. Once it had gotten that bad you should've just told him. How would you safely get yourself home anyway?

I too get migraines, especially when stressed, which my body sometimes confuses with nerves. This has to be one of the most relatable FMLs for me. ALWAYS carry pills with you to catch it as early as you can. But migraines are awful, and usually overlooked because people think 'it's just a headache'. Have a word with your date, I'm sure he will understand and you can schedule another date!

Oh yeah, what an evil guy asking you what was wrong. Let's see what's the usual responses around here, oh! Yes! Dump him, you dodged a bullet.