
By Anonymous - 13/03/2013 14:41 - United States - Modesto

Today, I found out why the parents whose children I babysit use me so often and on such short notice. It's not because they have abrupt nights out; it's because their kids hate me, and me being around is their way of punishing them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 330
You deserved it 3 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

You're not actually sitting on the children, are you?

And? So you can get some sort of sadistic pleasure from torturing them, WITH approval from the parents, AND get paid for it???? My dream job.


What are you doing that makes the kids hate you so much?

hiandrews69 29

What a bunch of lousy parents...

The short notice part sucks, I agree, but the rest sounds like a good arrangement!

How hard is it to please a kid? Give them candy or ice cream and put on cartoons or play video games and they'll admire you

Is your name Vicky by any chance? also is one of the children named Timmy Turner? lmao!

Well you're getting paid... That's a plus! When the kids I baby sat were bad, I threatened to leave and have my sister come baby sit them again, and they automatically behaved they didn't like her at all. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

If the kids hate you, then you're not their friend. You're not supposed to be their friend. I obviously can't be certain on this, but I'm willing to bet you're doing it right.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

This is hilarious & one of the best FML's ever!!! Think of yourself as "Super Nanny"...You are probably more of a disciplinarian than they are as they probably cannot control their own children! Good job!