
By Anonymous - 13/03/2013 14:41 - United States - Modesto

Today, I found out why the parents whose children I babysit use me so often and on such short notice. It's not because they have abrupt nights out; it's because their kids hate me, and me being around is their way of punishing them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 330
You deserved it 3 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

You're not actually sitting on the children, are you?

And? So you can get some sort of sadistic pleasure from torturing them, WITH approval from the parents, AND get paid for it???? My dream job.


It's odd how you refer about your brothers and sisters as your parents children.

gabe222 25

It reads 'the parents whose children I babysit.' Nothing there about OP's parents.

kishorekumar_a 10

'the parents' not 'my parents' Read it again and again until you understand it completely. Until then refrain from commenting.

So what, that means you're effective. Doesnt really matter why they hire you as long as they pay.

Maybe you can negotiate a raise. This seems like a win to all involved (except the kids).

TheDrifter 23

May I suggest recording the theme song to a bunch of cartoons and playing them at random times until they get excited and run into the room? Or make them play in the living room while you watch reruns of mash?

Hopefully the parents will never learn that time out is free for them. In the. . . mean time, Bank!

AllThingsBright_ 11

Parents with creative punishments FTW! My girlfriend's parents used to make them sit and listen to Family Radio (this old Christian station that used to read scriptures to you etc. remember the end if the world prediction guy? That was his radio station) as a punishment.

dontpanic_fml 32

All the parents are doing to the OP is paying her often and unnecessarily. No payback needed.

kishorekumar_a 10

Consider it a practice for the future job. Some people are always going to be there to hate you in any job...

Just lock them in a room or something, that way they still hate you and you'll still have a job. Easiest money ever!

kishorekumar_a 10

If it's more effective then they will call you more often...

paguilera28 5

I'd say you DESERVE this. You get to babysit for money while not having to have fun with the kids! That's great!