
By Anonymous - 13/03/2013 14:41 - United States - Modesto

Today, I found out why the parents whose children I babysit use me so often and on such short notice. It's not because they have abrupt nights out; it's because their kids hate me, and me being around is their way of punishing them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 330
You deserved it 3 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

You're not actually sitting on the children, are you?

And? So you can get some sort of sadistic pleasure from torturing them, WITH approval from the parents, AND get paid for it???? My dream job.


The_Honey_Badger 17

That's unfair, I suggest you stop sitting for them.

heyyou7 1

Plot twist: the kids actually love you, but they lie to their parents to try and get you to babysit more often.

Murrkie 11

As if! They called me a b!tch just yesterday!

thatdangmexican 18

Maybe you should stop using a light up *****.

“don't tell dad, the babysitter's dead"

This isn't really an FML a) the parents clearly thing your capable and not a risk. B) your getting paid for it and just because your baby sitting doesn't mean the whole time you have to watch the kids like a hawk so you can still check your Facebook, etc c) what does it matter if the kids like you or not? Your not there to make friends with them d) your getting plenty of work which means money which then means able to do stuff when your not baby sitting and e) clearly have a small social life if your actually able to always babysit at short notice so frequently

You are doing a great parenting job then, besides you make money. Be proud!

Tell the parents for an extra 5 bucks an hour you'll make it a real punishment.