
By lolreturn - 16/08/2009 18:51 - United States

Today, I grabbed the nearest plastic bag in my bedroom when my boyfriend and I left for Walmart so I could return a pair of shorts. When the cashier dumped the contents of the bag onto the counter at customer service, my shorts and a used condom fell out. It was the longest return of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 615
You deserved it 55 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

silly248 0

hahahahah thats hilarious and okay who checks an empty bag? a used condom has like no weight, she probably thought it was empty, wow you guys are dumb. fyl but its really funny


Hahahaha. I bet it was just as awkward for the poor store clerk. I bet he scrubbed the counter afterwards! :D

Haha nice. Next time either look in the bag or don't take a bag in the first place..

BunniiPop1 0

#29 your not any better then us cuz yuh are using the Internet too and actually you are worse cuz you come on here to just say that get a life!!! #37 the condom was in the bag not the short pockets learn how to read!!

"yes id like to return this condom, please"

All these YDI's are a bit harsh, it's not like condoms weigh much, I'd have probably accidentally done the same thing, so would many of these people. FYL. Hope your face isn't red for too long. ignoring vowels, that makes you the stupid one. Especially when you spell "you" correctly, then use an abbreviation for "you're". And fail x2 since you love Miley Cyrus.

zoo_fml 0

# 38, you're amazing :) i love that comment you just made. bravo.

#38. You have forever earned my respect.

Wal-mart greeters flip when you come in with a return, that's why she needed the bag.

ChildrenOfFilth 12

YDI for not checking the pockets before you returned it! Common Sense FAIL!

Yes, I'd like to return the condom. They're not supposed to come pre-filled.

LOL #41 that probbly would have gotten her in the clear if only she had the right receipt for the condom

zipzip1212 0

So why would you even put a condom in a bag let alone a used one? Hunny its called the TRASH CAN

Jesus Christ, throw that shit out! Why would you EVER save a used condom?!