Desperate nan

By Anonymous - 10/05/2009 04:18 - United States

Today, I graduated from college with two undergrad degrees in biochem and wildlife biology, with high distinction. My mom told me she had found me a job at a petting zoo. I thought she was joking. She then said sternly, "I want grandkids. At least you will meet girls there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 365
You deserved it 3 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You will meet girls! All the cool 6 year olds go to the petting zoo :)

So you are supposed to hook up with single moms so that she can have instant-grandchildren...


Kids are over-rated. Don't fall into the trap.

I agree with 22. if she wants little ones so bad, tell her to have another kid or work at a daycare. I HATE it when parents do that.

dude those degrees are somtme im lookin at for my future career, u should work in a lab, at least if u worked there u could get a hot lab assisstent, plus pedding zoos suck....

seriously, lab assistant or something.....whats the point of a degree when you're not using it?

i don't get it...why is your mom finding a job for you when you're 22 years old?

Wait a minute you mom wants you to be a pedafile??? That's sorta sick dude you should really check that out But yeah we're in a recession so take the job

Well, the good thing is you're a legal adult so you don't have to take the petting zoo job. ;) (But #38 makes a good point . . . with the economy the way it is that may be the best you can do for a while. Sad.)

To be honest, I wouldn't take the job at the petting zoo, that's just disrespectful on her part. Not only the fact that she's openly disappointed with your social life but that she would rather have you take a job that she thinks is best for you in order to meet her requests, with no regard for what you want to do. Why take it when you could probably find a better job that makes more money and meets your needs. Ever watched Scarface? First, you get the money, then, you get the power, THEN you get the women. :P But seriously, get a job that YOU want, move out if you haven't already (with two degrees to put on your resume this should be fairly easy), and find a girl on your own terms...your mom sounds a bit insane, She'll get her grandkids when the time is right, tell her that.

#40, it's not easy right now to get a job even with high honors and two degrees because the economy is so bad that no one is hiring fresh out of college BAs with minimal experience. That fact that the OP has a job even so is pretty amazing. Anyway, if the OP is reading this and is in as well academic standing as implied, maybe you should consider a masters/ph.D program or even medicine since you have most/all of the required classes?