Dick move

By facepalm - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to ask my boyfriend to stop measuring his penis during our conversation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 815
You deserved it 4 540

Top comments

muffinXmonster 12

Must have been a lengthy conversation.... ;)

spekledworf 18

First measurement was probably 4 inches.... retake was required


You can always grab a ruler and answer the question yourself. Case closed?

babyshaft408 8

Dam i'm getting turned on. Better visit omegle or a bar

bearjtbear 1

You should memorize his measurements that way he won't have to do that.

perdix 29

Centimeters, FTW! Most guys can get into the double digits.