Dick move

By facepalm - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to ask my boyfriend to stop measuring his penis during our conversation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 815
You deserved it 4 540

Top comments

muffinXmonster 12

Must have been a lengthy conversation.... ;)

spekledworf 18

First measurement was probably 4 inches.... retake was required


perdix 29

Hey, babe, why don't you come home so we can screw? 7 I have to mow the lawn first? 6 Of course, I care about your feelings? 5 You're having your period? 3 I guess it's not funny to ask for a *******. 1.5 Dinner at your mom's? 7 Hello?

hapetreefriend 1

Get back at him by playing with your boobs during your conversations

perdix 29

You don't get the concept of revenge. Most guys would love it if you played with your boobs while we talked to you. You should have said "finger yourself during your conversations." Oh, we would hate that like poison! ;)

That'll definitely enrage him... Or his little friend, I'm not sure.

I tried that with my husband, it dont work. It just got him horny. But its a win/win, he stopped and I got some ;)

20- Was your husband doing the same thing as OP's boyfriend?

fanalee 10
CastleHCP 1

It must have been a very...ah, hard topic.

Way to talk about the first thing that pops up

"Sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up" Thats what you were thinking?

Hmm... Op already knows the length of said penis. Why measure it now? Hmmm... He's not possibly telling someone else his size?

He's making up with from small penis syndrome