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By Anonymous - 31/12/2008 01:36 - France

Today, I'm spending New Year's Eve absolutely alone. My girlfriend canceled our plans the day before so she could spend it with strangers and booze. Somehow, I still love her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 091
You deserved it 11 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I put my boyfriend through a Hell like that.. Did things of that nature, and he still loves me. Fortunately *I* grew up, and appreciate and love him dearly. I don't think it's you that needs to 'grow up', but *her*. Good luck.


I put my boyfriend through a Hell like that.. Did things of that nature, and he still loves me. Fortunately *I* grew up, and appreciate and love him dearly. I don't think it's you that needs to 'grow up', but *her*. Good luck.

my friend did that to me a few years back, we always spent new years together and now we dont anymore because she drinks and i dont

it's new years! you should have joined her!

digapygmy 0

Man, dude, I'm right there with you. I love this girl more than anything, more than anyone, and she just ***** me over time and time again. But if you love her, then she should know that! Good luck to both of us. :)

Don't make dating plans on New Years! It's a day for parties. No wonder she did something else.

rosa08 0

anyone who says grow up to this must be a basement virgin whos never had a relationship. this kind of thing isnt rare and it sucks to feel like this.

Dump her before she dumps you. When I was dating my now ex she slowly started going to parties instead of spending time with me. At first it was just once in a while but then it became more frequent. While I was waiting for her to get out of her party girl phase she dumped me. You should break up with her it will save you months of stress

quiksta 0

look at all you BAMFs, "that shit's happened to me before, and i didn't give a ****!"