Dirty mind

By Anonymous - 25/06/2012 15:53 - United States - Elizabethtown

Today, I told my friend over the phone that I had to go drop the kids off at the pool. She told me that she didn't need to know about my bathroom habits and hung up on me. I really had to take my children to the local swimming pool for swim lessons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 784
You deserved it 2 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its like people don't even think things through these days


Just send them a text. Your life doesn't need to suck cause of that. If it does, you need to change some things in your life eg dying becomes something that sucks instead of something so small and easily fixable.

LydiaLynn 0

hopefully they learn something!

shaka_Z_0929007 10

Hilarious! But I have a twisted mind.

if that's how you said I don't see it. some people I guess

Even if OP meant it like her friend thought, it doesn't warrant that behavior. If it were me, I wouldn't have even gotten offended - everyone poops. :D

That isn't true, I heard of this guy who supposedly hasn't urinated or taken a shit in years. He's some sort of monk or something.

RedPillSucks 31

Unlikely, I think one would die under those circumstances.

96 - Considering excretion is to remove poisonous waste from our bodies, I doubt that very much.

Considering people believe in much crazier miracles, it isn't that hard to believe. Maybe he has a special diet? Or maybe he's just really holy.

Being really faithful to his beliefs wouldn't stop the waste from his body being produced or poisoning him. A special diet wouldn't stop it either, every type of food and drink will produce left-over waste that will kill you if not removed from the body. The only "special diet" which would stop him from excreting would be to eat and drink nothing at all. That would prove just as fatal as not excreting. It is simply impossible that any living creature could survive without excreting. In fact, the ability to excrete is one of the marks of a living creature. If the monk isn't excreting, then he isn't strictly a living organism from a scientific point of view.

If his body's not functioning, he's not alive. Did they check him for vital signs like breathing, blinking, or his heart beating?

132 - So you're saying he's a zombie? I knew this would happen.

since when is pool code for toilet lol.

Sounds like a lot of you are idiots. "Dropping the kids off at the pool" means taking a shit. Her friend took it that way instead of literally. A lot of people would too.

OR, OR...OR perhaps, we never heard of such euphemism for taking a shit. Don't call us idiot for lack of knowledge in slang.

Well people shouldn't call other people idiots for their own lack of knowledge in slang.

dontyawishyaknew 12

Isn't it a little immature for the friend to just assume that's what was meant?

veedubadict 10
dontyawishyaknew 12

Yeah, I can see both sides.