By Anonymous - 02/04/2012 03:59 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my dad told me it would be fine to use the mounting tape he'd bought to place paintings up in my newly painted room. I did, but after deciding I wanted to move a painting and pulling it off the wall, the wall came with it. Back to square one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 900
You deserved it 5 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think the painting wanted to be moved...

SaMmIMonster96 6

I sure as hell hope you mean the paint!


TheFamilyElf 17

Somehow this gives me a mental image of OP as the incredible hulk accidentally ripping the wall out of place. "oh... Oh crap, not again! Grrr."

LOL. "Me not remember limit, sometimes!"

11 I thought the same thing it's hilarious! ^lol

Now you know how to make cool shapes on your wall! You can use the tape to your advantage to take off paint. :)

"the wall came with it" wow really?

That tape stuff ISN'T like on tv. TV commercials FTD. (for the destroy)

Jewnut 0

yeah. I've had a few things permanently plastered to walls that way. I bet my managers weren't happy when we moved lol

That is some high quality mounting tape

Really careful planning must be done before you do this, if you had that painting before you painted it, you could have done it more efficiently. Lol

thiscrazything 1
KiddNYC1O 20

Because this way, the wall will remain unharmed... Oh, wait...