Do your own research

By ScienceFail - 25/07/2010 19:31 - United States

Today, I tried to open the research paper I've been working on for the past month, only to discover that the entire file is permanently lost and can't be recovered. This is not the first time this has happened to this paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 058
You deserved it 15 946

Same thing different taste

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Version control for everything. I use git for my works of fiction. Hasn't yet saved me from anything bad (because nothing bad has happened), but it gives me peace of mind.

this happened to me once to op. maybe there is little room left in your hard drive, and you need to delete stuff or upgrade it.

save it as a draft in your gmail... then you always have a live copy. also, get a thumb drive, seriously.

spartan_girl 0

saving in gmail is exactly what I do...and for really important things I also use a flash drive. just bought a new one just for my qualifying exams for grad school - I know money can be tight when you're a student, but saving things in gmail (or various other online/email options) is free, and you can get a 2GB flash drive for less than $20, maybe even 4GB for that much. Almost everyone would be capable of saving up that much money in a short period of time, and if you don't physically damage it, it will last a long time, save you time by keeping your files safe!

hint hint...obviously you HDD is crapping out on you...try an external...or a jumpdrive...or replace the damn thing...

Yeah. The bottom is so hot, the inch-thick table is hot to the touch on the UNDER side after I've had it on there a while. It's been like that for a long time. I blew out the fan, which helped a little. But it's ******. Files and programs aren't working well, and it's getting worse. Lately the whole thing will be running and suddenly get really slow and barely open programs. My other one ships Tuesday.

Any one that doesn't use an online backup system at this stage in the history of the world is an FI.

dropbox. it auto saves old versions.

jennniferlea 4

YDI for not being smart enough to back it up somehow whether it be printing it, emailing it to yourself or putting it to flash or external drive esp since it had happened once before..dur!!

jennniferlea 4

probably not even lost. Probably didn't save it in the right folder and saved it in that temporary folder that pops up sometimes ... still ydi fot not knowing how to operate the search function...

tohaveandtohold 0

this is why you make several copies ydi

i almost, ALMOST felt bad for you until that last sentence. if it's happened before, you learn to back that shit up in every way possible. if you are now claiming your backups were bad or corrupted, then it's still a YDI because you should have checked to make sure the backups were working. or you should have used an online backup service - most colleges provide these for free. going with YDI here.

Seconded. Learn to find and use free backup procedures. Like gmailing it to yourself after you've closed it. Every time. Pro tip #2, just don't use laptops. They convenient, yes. Guaranteed to break down also. I haven't met 1 laptop so far that doesn't have an overheating problem in 12 years of helpdesking and small business support. They're epic traps waiting to go off.