Do your own research

By ScienceFail - 25/07/2010 19:31 - United States

Today, I tried to open the research paper I've been working on for the past month, only to discover that the entire file is permanently lost and can't be recovered. This is not the first time this has happened to this paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 058
You deserved it 15 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments


flash drive external hard drive email it to yourself. i don't feel bad for dumb asses

Say it with me you idiot. Rule #1 on all important files: MULTIPLE COPIES! I can't stress enough how important that is, you should've learned the first time.

I'll say it with you. SLightly differently. #78 you're an idiot. Rule #1 on all threads; READ THE !!WHOLE!! DAMN THING. S/he MADE seveal copies. Your point is moot, you fail.

AMiniMuffin 0

Where in the orginal post say they made several copies? All I see is that they lost the file and it's happened to them before. So there for your arguement is now invalid.

fool you fail twice for not learning the first time

The mob has spoken. BACK THE THING UP.

What, you don't have a geek friend you can blow to work on your computer and get your file restored?

get a Mac. or stop surfing **** on your windows machine...

This is why you back up. This is not the first time you will have been told this.

martron3000 5

Why, back in the olden days, we used pencil & paper to write stuff down. And if we needed a copy, we used carbon paper! Never had to worry about " losing the file", unless the dog ate it!

Well maybe if you had spent more time on the paper and less time on FML it wouldn't have taken you a month to complete.