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By duderboi99 - 25/05/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was writing a huge paper for a class as our last grade. My dog starts scratching himself. He hit the power button on the computer. Nothing was saved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 255
You deserved it 40 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ans THAT'S why you should save every 2 seconds... No but that really sucks...

A new version of the dog ate my homework, cool :D Still sucks though!


Ans THAT'S why you should save every 2 seconds... No but that really sucks...

is ctrl s that hard? people should ask themselves that question

YDI for either purposfully disabling autosave or owning a computer older than you are.

all you have to do is save the document when you first start it and then save periodically, not that hard

terranada 3

u all took th wrds rite outa my mouth

#259 Sigh... So I guess you volunteer to pay for a brand new computer/components for everyone that has old computer and cannot afford new one? Not to mention OP never even stated anything about the computer being old. Common sense - try to use it sometimes.

A new version of the dog ate my homework, cool :D Still sucks though!

YDI for not saving at the beginning but that sucks so FYL

xo3velyn 0

ha you should of saved it :... that sucks though like majorly. im gonna use that excuse next time i have a big paper due :)

so yeah, that sucks...but I guess in the future you'll be more careful about saving, hmm? Kind of dumb on your part not to.

Awww **** =/ I had a powercut when I was doing an essay one time