By Anonymous - 30/12/2009 07:08 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 13/05/2009 19:39 - United States
By ripo95 - 26/11/2008 06:18 - France
By Anonymous - 25/08/2015 17:44 - United Kingdom - Saint Leonards
By pits - 05/01/2015 04:30
By Anonymous - 11/12/2009 21:58 - United Kingdom
By run4fun - 23/06/2011 18:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/02/2013 06:19 - United States - New Castle
By Anonymous - 12/11/2009 11:17 - Australia
By Anonymous - 20/05/2010 11:04 - Canada
Back to reality
By Herbiee - 18/08/2010 12:01 - United Kingdom
Top comments
OMgg that suckss!! xD WOuldn't want to be you!!
The OP is probably exaggerating the problem, and it's only noticeable if you're actually looking for it.
I don't understand. Isn't half of Canada french to begin with?
In Persia, you would be sexiest woman alive! Puuuuurrrrrr. Lol @ humorizer awesome joke, except I have to peepee on you, cause I'm French.
only about 10% of canada is french...hhaa and they dont live in BC
Ya, I was just kidding. Canadians and French people are pretty cool folks. I just had to make the obvious stereotypical joke.
if you let your underarm hair grow that much so it can be seen in pictures then ydi.
Haha! Wow, sucks for youuu
Embarrassing, yes, but hairy pits at drunken parties posted on Facebook seem to be the new fad. Either that, or all the girls I went to school with are sleazy dirty ******. All levity aside, OP, it happens to the best of us sometimes. No big deal. I'm sure if you didn't look good in those pictures, they wouldn't have been put up anyway. If they bother you that much, ask the poster to take them down...or at least give you a chance to photoshop the shit out of them. =]
pics or it didn't happen.
They don't call you Stinky by chance?
HAHAHAHA dude, sucks to be you... Pics as in the link or it didn't happen. Is there any girl that will not groom herself before a party?
This post was originally written to #6. The commenting system of course is messed up. I know you're most likely not of the same religion as me, but that doesn't make this any less true; we're actually required by religion to shave our armpits and "down there" by both genders. Wait, I take that back. Not shave, but at least trimming to a short level. I believe it has to do with the fact that longer hair often leads to the sweaty stenches as well as cultivating bacteria. So it's a hygienic issue.
I bet that humorizer is muslim.
Muslims aren't required to do that. At least, my super religious Muslim friend who went for religious classes when she was 11 says it's not. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh please, its not like everyone doesn't have hair there at one point in their life. So you forgot to shave, big whoop. This is just a minor social inconvenience, not an FML.
Going to have to disagree with you there, Ive made it to 21 (in 2 months) w/o disgusting armpit hair, or body hair at all for that matter. Some of us have evolved past the ice age and taken off the fur coats, thank you.
Um, wtf? Okay. Good for you. It's not like it's a matter of effort. It's genetics, dumb-ass!
Sorry to tell you but, most of the times, the complete lack of body hair after puberty is caused by a hormonal imbalance. I am one of the lucky people who are "less hairy" by nature (I have my mom to thank for the great genes) but being 21 and having NO armpit hair (despite not using any hair removal technique) is just weird
YDI for having armpits. A normal human being doesn't have armpits.

YDI for having armpits. A normal human being doesn't have armpits.
Embarrassing, yes, but hairy pits at drunken parties posted on Facebook seem to be the new fad. Either that, or all the girls I went to school with are sleazy dirty ******. All levity aside, OP, it happens to the best of us sometimes. No big deal. I'm sure if you didn't look good in those pictures, they wouldn't have been put up anyway. If they bother you that much, ask the poster to take them down...or at least give you a chance to photoshop the shit out of them. =]