
By jsw029 - 26/02/2009 04:51 - United States

Today, I met a guy at a bar and we went back to my room. We start having sex and, about 30 seconds in, he stops and says it's not right - he likes me too much for a one night stand. He gives me his number, a kiss on the cheek, and leaves. It turns out that he'd already came. I called his phone - wrong number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 138
You deserved it 20 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gabby1995pena 4


dustyrose04 6
nollid7 5

Meeting at a bar for drinks, $30, buying a 3 pack of 12 condoms, $8, figuring he didn't use one and getting your dumbA** pregnant, PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!

Ha I completely agree... 90% of the people calling her a ***** can't pick up at the bar and say they don't believe in casual sex or saving it for that 'special someone' as an excuse

SystemofaBlink41 27

9- your username is so ironic...

Sh*t, that was supposed to go to the post below this.