
By jsw029 - 26/02/2009 04:51 - United States

Today, I met a guy at a bar and we went back to my room. We start having sex and, about 30 seconds in, he stops and says it's not right - he likes me too much for a one night stand. He gives me his number, a kiss on the cheek, and leaves. It turns out that he'd already came. I called his phone - wrong number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 139
You deserved it 20 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gabby1995pena 4


wrwrestler9 5

To all the women out here: ahahahah shutt upp If you want guys to respect you, then you don't go to bars, and you don't put out with a guy on the first night. PERIOD! If you put out on a first night WITH a guy that you MET AT A BAR? You are 20 different kinds of stupid if you actually expect him to call you for a relationship. "Oh, gee, I would love to date a girl who is going to cheat on me with any attractive dick that CUMS her way!". Sikee. Getting cheated on by a girl is like a guy you dated MARRYING YOUR SISTER. We have strong protective instincts, and the idea of our girlfriend just "giving" herself to another man is beyond enraging. I've been cheated on a couple times, as has anybody who's been in a good amount of relationships, and it SUCKS let me tell you! It's the worst feeling in the entire world. It's even worse than getting kicked in the balls, or losing your job even. So no. As men, we don't "have to date you". This guy isn't "a pig" if he doesn't subject himself to being cheated on by a woman who has CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED SHE IS A COMPLETE *****. He doesn't owe her that obligation. After all, he only knew the bitch for an hour!

sugarbear0727 19

Wow, speedy gonzales much? That sucks for you OP.

Does anyone realize if you can pull this off it it the perfect backup plan???

That's pretty ******* smooth! Hahaha

yeah americas screwed..there are more fmls seriously. it was ydi after the first line. whatever happens next is your own fault. wtf. this is why std, abortions, and single parent homes are ooc. shes a **** with or without protection. EOS

So, how's your 6-year old child? Oh, and YDI, hugely.

amberdea404 28

Wow that sucks. There's more people out out there