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Doesn't stop some people getting shitfaced

By Ann - 31/01/2017 13:00 - Latvia - Riga

Today, I decided to abstain from alcohol for good. Later that evening, while out with friends, I ordered a Virgin Mojito at a bar, to which the hot bartender replied, "C'mon... seriously?!" Told him I'm pregnant. I'm not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 412
You deserved it 1 055

Top comments

I don't see the FML here, you made an adult decision of which many people couldn't or wouldn't. You don't need alcohol to have a good time. Good on you OP. Disclaimer: I am not in any way against the consumption of alcohol but I know what it's like to live with someone who drinks too much.

xoxoblondee 31

I would have just said "yes, really." or "you must be familiar with virgins judging by that attitude"


You shouldn't have to lie because you are doing something good for your body. I wish you the best of luck in your journey.

so if your on the wagon the best place to go is a bar. I don't know what jobs you guys have but I guarantee you all bitch about customers don't act like you dont so why don't you guys act professional or is that a standard you only expect for service you are receiving

I'm sorry OP. That was incredibly rude. As a bartender it is his job to serve you the drink of your choice, not make judgy comments about your selection. That would've pissed me off.

diisneygirl 2

Why do you care what he thinks?

Because that's minty sugar water and a weird thing to drink lmao. I'm sure he wouldn't have judged you for a normal beverage like 7-Up. Plus I bet he charged you for a whole Mojito and it didn't have free refills.

You do you; there's nothing embarrassing about passing on booze. People do it for religious reasons, health, lifestyle preferences, because they're driving, because they have a headache... and it's no-one else's business why. Remind yourself of this, and don't feel cornered by douches. His reaction warranted anything from a raised eyebrow to a word with his manager. I'm not into complaining about servers but when they do you such a disservice as shaming your choices (presumably this drink was on the menu) then you have a legitimate complaint to make.

why are you going out with friends to a bar if you are abstaining from alcohol?

Good on you OP! You should never feel ashamed for making choices to better yourself! Keep going!

and.....I'm confused. where's the fml part? apparently I missed it.