Don't dick around with those guys

By Cuntface McGee - 21/02/2014 21:37 - Romania - Dej

Today, I was chilling out with my friend in a parking lot, when a police officer came up to the vehicle and suspiciously asked what we were up to. My friend sarcastically said, "Uh, doing drugs? Planning a drive-by? Haha!" We soon found ourselves in the back of a cop car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 920
You deserved it 18 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

With al the cop stories I'm reading about on this site, I think it's safe to say that the police have zero sense of humour.


Cops don't get sarcasm. So just tell them you are doing nothing

It's not that they don't get it, they're trained not to take a chance. That cop could have gotten in a lot of trouble if they did indeed do a drive by or something, got caught, and another cop found out he let them go because he thought they were "joking". It wasn't that he didn't get the sarcasm, he just couldn't take the chance without possibly risking other's lives, and his job.

frizz101 22

Don't joke around with police, they HAVE to take that stuff seriously, even if it is obviously a joke.

petergozinya37 8

Next time why don't you just yell bomb in an airport

badluckalex 23

Your friend did admit to doing illegal stuff defiantly grounds for that and I understand the cop reacting in such a way. You never know

After that night,his friend became dark and bitter. Now he waits in his room every Friday, waiting for people to ask him what he's doing. He stares out the window and says, "Nothing"

Some people don't realize that sarcasm is the last thing you wanna do in front of police officers or any kind of authority. A friend of my parents was traveling to the US in the 90's, and, after his suitcase was x-rayed, the airport security stopped him and asked about a suspicious looking package that they had seen on the screen. I don't remember what it was that the guy had (probably a tin of biscuits), but when questioned about it he said "why, it's obviously a bomb!" He was thrown ASAP in jail. Thankfully, as a diplomatic officer, he didn't stay for long, but it surely taught him a lesson.

Why not scream out loud **** the laws jail is my home