Don't interrupt me

By Bad Teacher - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Australia - West End

Today, I got sent to the head teacher's office for doing "stupid hand gestures and disrupting the class". Yesterday my teacher had told the class to do the same hand gesture to ask for permission to go to the toilet so it wouldn't interrupt her talking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 356
You deserved it 3 365

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Well there's her problem: she made up a hand gesture for peeing. Next time do the universal potty dance while saying "I gotta peeee..." Everyone knows that one.

I think it's time to hand gesture the finger to her.


Well there's her problem: she made up a hand gesture for peeing. Next time do the universal potty dance while saying "I gotta peeee..." Everyone knows that one.

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Or maybe even just yell 'I gotta piss!'. Everyone understands that one to

I would've walked the **** out and went to the bathroom.

It's probably makaton - not made up and actually useful especially when you work at a roller disco and need a wee and your colleagues at the other end of the room. I only know it cos I worked with kids with disabilities and we used it a lot there :-)

Maybe it's just me, but I always hated having to ask to go to the bathroom in school. Especially when I was told no. What am I supposed to do, tell my bladder to stop working for a bit?

I can think of another hand gesture you could try, and it only uses one finger.

JuliaaNoelle 26

I've heard that it's illegal to tell kids that they can't go to the bathroom because it can cause medical problems like bladder infections and such.

Seems like something a kindergarten teacher would try to get you to do. Too bad you can't just leave

I think it's time to hand gesture the finger to her.

I always hated teachers who tried to get you in trouble for little things.

Not sure how stuff like this happens. It boggles my mind how people can either be so forgetful or just so stupid.

If you can't handle stupidity, then I suggest you never go to the site ""

Next time flip a very particular hand gesture at her.

Many primitive tribes successfully communicate through grunts and clicks of the tongue if their line of view is blocked while hunting. No animals are disturbed at all. Give it a go next time in class. I am certain your teacher will appreciate it!

I'm sorry that your teacher is a bitch, I hope the head master listened to your side of the story and believed you.