Double Impact

By Zoogangcapk - 01/01/2020 05:00

Today, I found out that my girlfriend is pregnant. The problem is that I don't know how to tell my wife... Who is also pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 535
You deserved it 10 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Start with. "Honey, I'm a **** and you deserve better. Since I've been an arsehole and an irresponsible one at that, please take me to the cleaners through the divorce and child payments while you have a better life."

You’re disgusting. You don’t deserve a wife OR a girlfriend.


"Sorry I'm a cheating scum bag" - if neither of them know. "Guess they'll be good friends!" - if y'all are polyam.

J15237 25

You deserve whatever those women do to you. Either beating your ass, taking you for all of your money. Just whatever. What the **** is the matter with you?

bhavik 4

the sprem is strong with this one

What? You honestly didn't except there would be only 1 "your life sucks" for every *20* "you deserved it" votes? Here's dome advice: If you're the one in the wrong (especially THIS much) don't come here and expect even one person to have something nice to say.

Imadumbass 16

It sucks that both are pregnant, but maybe that's karma.

cherry21 5

Your life is not ****** but now both of theirs are.

Petition to make January 1 "You Deserved It" day on FML, where the website only shows FMLs with at least a 75% "You deserved it" ratio. This FML, for example, has a YDI ratio of approximately 99.951%. Maybe we can pin it at the top every day on New Year's for the anniversary of this stupid ****'s costly error.