Double standards

By Anonymous - 21/02/2013 18:45 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my bus got held up in traffic, so I arrived home about 15 minutes late. My mum bitched me out, accused me of sleeping around, and grounded me. All this while my brother raged at his video game in the other room, screaming stuff such as "EAT SHIT, YOU CUNTS!" with total impunity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 683
You deserved it 2 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cod is serious business. Don't want mom to ruin his killstreak now do you? Selfish much?

Lionesse 15

Ah.. Family. So many emotions conveyed in a single word...


Moonheart13 1

God, your mum really needs a hearing aid or something.

Maybe your mother doesn't have the energy to bitch out at two kids at the same tine

Being late and assumed to be a **** is totally different than having a foul mouth.. I mean, he's not in danger, or hurting anyone, or potentially getting into trouble while being a little shit in the living room. Maybe she's just over protective and worried about your safety, maybe she's a huge monstrous bitch, either way the two things really aren't comparable, even if it sucks when parents bitch out one child and not the other even if you think your brother is just as bad.

VampTat 10

Gotta love that double standard!

And our buses can so easily be delayed too. You're QLD so am I, so I don't know why she's so harsh on you. We don't have the best public transport and traffic does affect these things.

as kids, you are on different leagues