Drugs are bad, mkay?

By real life problems - 18/06/2018 06:10

Today, I realized my girlfriend was taking my pain meds from my shoulder surgery. She says it shouldn't hurt after 2 days. I don't have any left and can't get a refill for a week. She took them just for fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 062
You deserved it 446

real life problems tells us more.

OP here, yes of course i broke up with her over it, which she still thinks I'm over reacting to. I ended up calling for more pain pills but they wouldn't approve me any more that fast. I ended up just dealing with the pain on my own while being bitched out for being selfish.

Top comments

I'm usually against saying "dump'em," but yeahhh...this isn't a minor issue that can be resolved through communication or just some unfortunate accident with a bad outcome. She stole from you to get high and doesn't think it's a big deal.

manb91uk 22

Your should-be-your-ex girlfriend is a thoughtless selfish junkie


PenguinPal3017 19

You should have told her "You don't have to spend your life addicted to smack, homeless on the streets, giving hand jobs for cash."

Dump her now. She did that just for fun? That's the start of a drug addict.

She's obviously addicted. Just go down to the local pimp and trade her time for some new pills.

wtf? go down and let her be raped and prostituted for pills!? What she did was awful but that was not ok, even as a joke!

Where in the world did you get advocating rape in that comment? I never have and never will think rape is ok in any way, shape, or form. My implication is that she is likely willing to trade for drugs.

Where in the world did you get advocating rape in that comment? I never have and never will think rape is ok in any way, shape, or form. My implication is that she is likely willing to trade for drugs.

It’s not necessarily addiction. It is certainly abuse of the medication. Addiction a.k.a. dependence is so different.

boopingsnoot 24

Police report, dump her, change the locks, call doctor for new script. Also, combining a single dose each of ibuprofen and acetaminophen (Advil/Motrin/Midol and Tylenol) can help reduce your pain in the mean time.

Mungolikecandy 19

What we learn from this. She has a serious drug addiction.

Break up with her. I can bet that she will steal your pills again when you get your refill

On the plus side, she’ll probably get Opioid Induced Constipation, OIC, and you won’t. She’ll have to talk to her doctor about Movantik that has the side effects of opioid withdrawal, severe diarrhea, severe stomach pain, or intestine or stomach tears. ****! I’ve seen that commercial way too much!!!

What an insensitive bitch to suggest that you should be over the pain from your surgery in two days. And she's clearly an addict if she's taking your drugs. I'm glad to see you dumped her. Hope your recovery is going smoothly.

Again, That is certainly a Buse of the medication. Dependence or addiction to the medication, like opioids, is a disease process. That’s abuse...possibly fraud. Because of that situation, You can go to the emergency room or urgent care and request that they treat your pain due to the recklessness up your girlfriend and inadequate pain control as a result. Do you or anyone else is in a bind like that, the option is always available. Even doctors offices, sometimes have something called toward on hand. It is a opioid level Motrin (NSAID) and it works very well. It’ll burn for a little but it’s worth it. The ER or the attending could have given you another nerve block for your shoulder... Exparel. The fact that they did nothing also surprises me.

The pharmacy can put in an override code so Insurance will pay for it. You can contact the surgeon and tell them what happen and hopefully they will give you a New prescription. You also need to put them in the locked cabinet. My 89-year-old grandmother tried throwing out my narcotic pain meds. It was an interesting discussion with the doctor, but they did re-order it. I certainly agree with you that her taking it was not smart… Particularly because you need it for postsurgical pain. Weather breaking up over it can be interpreted as harsh… The alternative is that you could tell her that you’d be required to report it to the police. Someone could do a urine drug screen and pick up the medication by GCMS.

Mr_Mole 24

Way to go op for dumping her. That kind of behaviour is so incredibly selfish and really odd just to take painkillers for fun. You are a hero to all those guys that put up and shut up. Don’t let crazy rule you.