Dude, gross!

By Mojo0608 - 02/11/2014 21:28 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my 16-year-old brother once again scored well at a local archery competition. He got home and, once again, unleashed his "spectacular aim" at the toilet - or rather the toilet seat and surrounding floor. He refuses to clean the bathroom we share every single time he does this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 293
You deserved it 2 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one who noticed how well this was written?


Deep breath and refuse to clean up his mess. explain to your parents that he is being un-hygienic and until he stops you will use their bathroom

Or use it as a weapon and threaten him.

thejimler 9

If you have to clean up his mess in order to do your own business, dump the pissy toilet paper in his bed.

Don't feel bad, OP. I've watched my 34 year old husband drop a deer at 300 yards and he STILL can't manage to hit the damn toilet.

If he can't pee straight like a man, he deserves nothing less than forced to sit until he can improve his aim. That's what hinged toilet seats were invented for. At least clean up your own messes, y'know? Damn.

Oh he cleans it up alright. He learned his lesson after I used one of his shirts to clean the mess.

I personally respect men that pee sitting down. Saves everyone from the mess.

you're brother might have a ******. or just act like one.

Sathane 21

Make a loud compliment at his next tournament. "If only his aim was this good in the bathroom!"

Then i would clean it with his clothes.

Saran Wrap the bowl so it splashes back on him.