Dumb it down

By alejandro38 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had an interview. I didn't get the job because apparently customers might not understand me, since I "talk too good." I just graduated with an English degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 901
You deserved it 3 584

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

Maybe you offended the interviewer with your fancy jargon and flashy degree. Reach for new goals! Although, with an English degree, there isn't much hope.

zeebug 0

Actually, an English degree is very versatile. It can be used in almost all lines of work. It basically teaches you how to think well. You learn critical thinking skills, analytical skills, communication skills, and the ability to read and write well. All of the above are an important foundation for any career. The rest is just training, which most jobs do anyways.


I can definitely sympathize with you, but I'm really surprised you haven't learned to modify your vocabulary depending on who you're talking to. Just as you wouldn't talk to someone in love with golf using basketball terms, it definitely won't help you land jobs using vocabulary above the other person's understanding. It's still fantastic to know it though. Anyhow, I voted both YDI and FML. I'm happy you got feedback... I really hope you got something out of this. Good luck!


You should shoot up the place, move to Mexico, and get a job smuggling guns and Mercedes across the border.

I don't think an English degree is likely to help you get a job as anything except possibly an English teacher.

YDI because you should know it's "well", not "good"

No, YOU deserve it, sir. When he said "talk too good," he meant the people at the place where he was applying said this. I am sure he is fully aware that it is "well"; that is probably why he is complaining.

Was it a job interview for the drive-thru at mcdonalds?

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

You could always, be an English teacher in a foreign country

maggiefox 25

Where were you applying? McDonald's?

Pebbles7783 3

Murica! Where english is a second language and proper enhlish is frowned upon.

Considering their grammar? Not surprised. You're a George Orwell and these people are more of a Dr. Seuss.