By centaursTesticle - 18/05/2016 12:34 - United States
centaursTesticle tells us more.
Hey everyone, this is my FML! #15 got it closest... I've been working on this project for about 3 weeks with my group members, and I have definitely done my fair share of the work in that time. All of us met up the night before it was due to type it all up, put it together and double check everything, but I had to leave that meeting much earlier than everyone else. Hence, they forgot to put my name on it :/ Thanks, guys.... I contacted my professor as soon as I saw the grade, and my group backed me up and admitted that they made a mistake. I was SUPER scared and pissed off but it got resolved! We got an A-! :D
Top comments
Sucks OP! Sorry..
Why didn't you put your name on? If it was that large of a grade then I would have double and triple checked that my name was on it.
OP simply needed to inform his/her group members to stop playing with his/her name, and to put some respek on it. That was the real issue.
When you are in a team make sure your name is on the team till the end of it.
how is it you didn't sign your part or contribution to the assignment? if you didnt actually write anything yourself and just played the muse giving everyone inputs and calling it a contribution than I can see why you got left out..
You didn't get a chance to see the final project before it was turned it? Maybe you should've taken responsibility for that.
You should have made sure it was on it.
Why didn't you put your name on? If it was that large of a grade then I would have double and triple checked that my name was on it.
Maybe you should have put your name on it? Sounds like you left important details for the rest of the group to complete. Group works about all working together