Early learner

By Michele - 18/01/2010 00:32 - United States

Today, while babysitting a six year-old boy, he asked me if I could show him my "boobies." I said no, that wouldn't be very appropriate. Suddenly, he pulled down his undies and pointed at his package while exclaiming, "Look, my penis is on again!" It was pointing RIGHT at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 608
You deserved it 4 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Radi0Waves 0

That kid already has so much more game than me.


its wrong but really funny at the same time.. lol

stoner_trainee 0

omg the same thing happened to me except it was my friends little sisters who were like 3 and 5 i think and they kept trying to touch my boobs and under my pants. it was annoying cuz every time i pushed them away they wouldn't stop and i didn't want to hurt them..they're just little kids

I really don't think boys that age can have a sexual attraction to women, little boys that age you usually hear them say "girls are icky" or something of that nature. It is natural for him to be curious after being exposed to sexual activity on T.V. or from his parents most likely, but haven't you all done the "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" incident when you were under the age of 10 with someone else? pure curiousity, and children enjoy curiousity.

yes! I did the I'll show u mine if u show urs when I was in like first grade but it was at school and we got in HUGE trouble! lolz

to #96 it kindergarten, not kindergaurden.

music_METAL 0

holy shit! can anyone else say early bloomer?

fallen_dragonkin 12

poor you, i remember having awkward experiences like that when working as babysitter for a six year old boy with what seemed quite adult fascination with my breasts, i'm glad i'm not babysitter anymore, those are difficult situations to be in.

Am I the only one thinking this kid is a future sex offender? If he's being this pushy and sexually aggressive with a supposed authority figure (babysitter), imagine what he's doing with the young girls he knows at school. Would you want to leave your daughter in a room alone with him?