ED much?

By Anonymous - 12/01/2011 01:04 - United States

Today, my step-mom asked if I was having some eating issues. I admitted that maybe I've picked up some bad habits from friends and school. Now she won't stop bombarding me with self-help books and therapy websites. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 674
You deserved it 23 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, and if you're depressed: just be happy. It doesn't work that way FYLDeep.


i dont see this so much as a fml just pretend to read Them Or actually read them and learn something

therealsuperman 0

does the mean you want to destroy her hair? I'm confused

Are you ******* serious? After FIVE YEARS my mother still didn't give a crap and I basically had to pull myself out of it. When I got better (or as better as E.D people get) she made a joke. Even if she's over reacting at least she's taking it seriously and gives a shit. Fherlife for having a stepkid that is looking for reasons to be unhappy.

Both situations have serious downsides. With people whose parents don't their issues seriously, their health and sometimes even lives can be endangered. With people whose parents seem focused on creating imaginary problems to occupy their time, the person's life is truly made a living hell. The parents usually will not believe their child and will stick to their false accusations. When your parent doesn't take the necessary measures to help you with your problem, 98% of the time there will be someone else who can also help you as well as non-literally smack the sense into your parent. When your parent turns the smallest non-issue into a giant problem/diagnosis all the time, they will continue to waste their time on that subject instead of ever seeing the truth.

You had erectile dysfunction? And you wanted your mom to help? Kinky!

Inspired22 11

I think the FML here is that she didn't think she had an eating disorder; she just thought that she probably wasn't eating what one would consider the most nutritionally balanced diet, a habit we often pick up when eating with friends and being young and carefree. It is good that her step-mother cares about her, but I suppose the possibility of one having an eating disorder is a slap in the face.

you know to everyone who is saying she is fat... she actually hasn't said what kind of bad eating habit she has, she might mean that she is under eating... i know... there is such thing as under eating its real, so maybe don't judge her saying she is fat...

Exactly. My first thought was that she might be under-eating, as under-eating is just as bad for you as over-eating.

DakotaCat 4

Atleast your stepmom cares about you.. Mine makes me clean for her and her spoilt daughters.. And she keeps yelling "CINDERELLA!" Who the **** is Cinderella?

I get annoyed by these people with eating disorders... Just start eating/stop vomiting. It's not good for you what you're doing/there's no point to it/stop being such a whiner...

i get annoyed at people like you who think that can happen. **** some people on here are thick. people who don't take eating disorders seriously are the damn reason people have them.

37, if it was really that simple, wouldn't there be a lot less people with eating disorders?

Uraepicfail 0

Yeah, it's really not like people can be like 'oh I wanna be anorexic' No it's stress that builds up, and ur never happy

NEVER admit to anyone that you might have a problem, no matter how minor. They might assume it's a bigger one, and try to 'help" you. And that gets really annoying.

Uraepicfail 0

U need to admit ur problems because u go into denial and it makes the problem worse But only tell people u can trust