Erm, thanks, I guess

By HeatedHeat - 29/03/2021 11:00

Today, I went to a store to buy a 43-inch TV that was on sale. The sale was so good that they sold out on the floor. I went to guest services and asked the employee if they had any in the back. She literally went to the back of the room, let out this god awful fart, came back out and said, “Sorry, we don’t.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 982
You deserved it 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Yes, I can practically SMELL the effort you made..."

You would have preferred they fart right in front of you?


You would have preferred they fart right in front of you?

"Yes, I can practically SMELL the effort you made..."

On the plus side, you won't be buying a fart-infused TV. Count your blessings.