Evening routine

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, my husband misheard me when I said I wanted a massage with sensual oils. He used essential oils instead. Essential oils are not meant to be used on the skin, trust me. My skin looks like a cross between sandpaper and pus-filled bubble wrap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 919
You deserved it 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So I’m guessing it essentially not sensual?

Oils like DoTerra are considered “therapy grade”, which makes them suitable for direct skin use. However, certain (many) essential oils are highly concentrated. They’re not meant to be used on skin without a safe carrier oil, such as olive or coconut.


So I’m guessing it essentially not sensual?

Not sure where you got those essential oils, Bed Bath and Beyond maybe? DoTerra and Young Living oils are all natural and pure, thus they can readily be used on the skin. My wife and I will use them all the time for bug bites or massages, they are really versatile... Really helps to research what you are using beforehand.

Oils like DoTerra are considered “therapy grade”, which makes them suitable for direct skin use. However, certain (many) essential oils are highly concentrated. They’re not meant to be used on skin without a safe carrier oil, such as olive or coconut.

TxKitten79 10

Exactly. I use my doTerra oils on my skin and my family's skin frequently. And I always check to make sure whether they need to be diluted in carrier oil or not. doTerra actually makes an essential oil blend specifically for massages.

bigharv 1

It depends more on the oil than whether it is an overpriced brand or not. Some oils are safe for skin, and some are not. It has nothing to do with being natural or pure either, because lots of things are natural and pure, but are not good for the body (lead, for example, is a natural material that should not be put into your body, especially if pure).

Most essential oils (especially the stronger ones like tea tree) shouldn't ever be applied to the skin in their pure form (in fact it's illegal in the UK to sell cosmetics which contain more than 3% of essential oils (a few essential oils are are allowed to be in cosmetics at a higher concentrations though, such as orange essential oil)) , I accidentally splashed a few drops of pure, natural cinnamon essential oil on my face and ended up with large red sore blotches

Ah, this didn't quite go in the direction I was expecting. I thought your well-meaning husband was going to use cooking oil.

I prefer garlic olive oil. or WD-40... I'm EZ

Sounds more like an allergic reaction. Essential oils can be used on the skin (preferably with a carrier oil, but possibly alone).

At least, you think he misheard you. He certainly wouldn’t have done that on purpose to make you unappealing to his rivals, would he?

Itsbeenalong 5

Wow fml for your husband, his hands must be really sore. You really are going to have to take extra care of him, he's not going to be able to ********** for a while.

Ohhh ouch!! I’m sure your husband felt really bad after that mistake!

incorrect... REAL essential oils can be used on the skin... you just buy the cheap ones off Amazon

What is a sensual oil? You can get a sensual massage, but I don't think there is such thing as sensual oil.

Let’s make sure people have proper information, shall we? Lots of essential oils, no matter the brand, are safe enough to use directly on skin. Others, like rosemary and oregano for example, are considered irritants when used purely on skin, and thus must be diluted in a carrier oil. What you are experiencing seems more like an allergic reaction more than a “normal” reaction. Always check to see if the essential oil you have needs a carrier or not, always use a carrier no matter the oil if you have sensitive skin or are known to getting irritated to different things, and if you have any questions please go see a qualified aromatherapist and not Dr Google