Evening routine

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, my husband misheard me when I said I wanted a massage with sensual oils. He used essential oils instead. Essential oils are not meant to be used on the skin, trust me. My skin looks like a cross between sandpaper and pus-filled bubble wrap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 922
You deserved it 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So I’m guessing it essentially not sensual?

Oils like DoTerra are considered “therapy grade”, which makes them suitable for direct skin use. However, certain (many) essential oils are highly concentrated. They’re not meant to be used on skin without a safe carrier oil, such as olive or coconut.


You need to diffuse them first! This is why I don’t have essential oils!

wysegirl 24

You have the wrong brand of essential oils then... I use mine on my skin all the time some require to be fractionated but not all of them

Darlingdybbuk 1

There are a few essential oils that are considered safe to use in the skin undiluted, but I still wouldn’t recommend it (I’m a certified aromatherapist btw). Just as an example, my sis overused her lavender and now can’t be in the same room without her throat closing up. You can definitely develop sensitivities to essential oils, even the gentle ones. The whole “therapeutic grade” thing is just a marketing term, btw. It’s not an actual grade. And for god’s sake don’t drink the oils.

Essential oils are usable on skin but they need to be at 2% dilution with a base oil or water or it will irritate the hell out of your skin