Everyday is like Sunday

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got turned down from a job I really wanted. Six hours later, the guy called me again and delivered the same news, not realizing he had already called this morning. Thanks for rubbing it in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 110
You deserved it 2 796

Top comments

really? he called me to tell me I got that job.

It might not have ****** up her life, but it ****** up her day. She was upset from hearing the news once let alone twice. Yeah, sure she can go and apply for another job but it's just a hassle.


badbe 0

Whoa, is that you or Robert Pattison?

badbe 0
dkxw 0

Hey he had to be positive he did his job I'm sure he was.... HIV positve on that one... suck it up

nicesprites 4

ok I thought irrelevant puns were relevant. thanks for clearing that up with me.

sallen0046 4

How does a company making sure you know you didn't get a job, instead of leaving you sitting around for days/weeks waiting, in any way **** your life? Find more jobs to apply for, and get on with your life.

It might not have ****** up her life, but it ****** up her day. She was upset from hearing the news once let alone twice. Yeah, sure she can go and apply for another job but it's just a hassle.

You're right, he should've posted on that other site, '**** My Next Five Hours'

Get over yourself goodbye. It must be hard to be you yeah living in your life. I was always the one to cry. Now everything is alright. On another note, when he called you the second time you should have asked him what about you he didnt like and if he would give you some pointers to improve. Take it in stride and move on.

This guy looks much better than that sparkle gay fairy. You need to stop reading bad books in dim light, and go get your eyes examined.