Everyday is like Sunday

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got turned down from a job I really wanted. Six hours later, the guy called me again and delivered the same news, not realizing he had already called this morning. Thanks for rubbing it in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 110
You deserved it 2 796

Top comments

really? he called me to tell me I got that job.

It might not have ****** up her life, but it ****** up her day. She was upset from hearing the news once let alone twice. Yeah, sure she can go and apply for another job but it's just a hassle.


Wow in today's economy especially ( No idea how to spell that. ) What a shocker.

You should rejoice; the joke's on the employer, HE wasted an extra phone call! that will set the company back at least $0.30! You can now sit back and watch the business go under, all while thinking that if he had of hired you, the business would have been successful! Yeah, that was a bit far fetched... Hard luck, though...

Or you could be glad you will not be working in a company where the people are obviously incompetent...

I had someone call me on Friday telling me I didn't get a job and then got a letter this morning too! :D Well if they want to waste their money on both a phone call and a stamp then they're idiots who can't keep track of what they're doing :D

bestiebabes_jes 0

Shit happens, I once received a "we're not interested in you at this time" letter from a former employer whom I tried to get back to work after my son was born - IN ALLCAPS. How embarassing is it to have your former (crappy) bank write you a note like: WE HAVE NOTHING AT THIS TIME WHICH MEETS YOUR SKILL SET BUT WILL LET YOU KNOW IN THE FUTURE SHOULD SOMETHING BECOME AVAILABLE. ...eep...!