Everyday sexism

By nerdywaitress - 18/10/2013 05:14 - United States - Greensboro

Today, I started training as a bartender. My very first client told me how his wife is sleeping with her sister's husband. He then told me that all the women he knows only want sex, and asked me why "we" were like that. He could be my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 687
You deserved it 5 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate to say this OP, but get used to it. Bartending is one of those jobs that invites people to sit, drink, and say what's on their mind. It's both a great job with great stories, and a shitty job with shitty drunks. You should get good tips though, so it's not all bad.


Welcome to People Skills 101. Working in a bar is not just about pouring drinks, it's dealing with the public and that's the important skill you will walk away with.

I don't understand the "we" part. Could someone explain?

The OP is female and he was asking why all females are like that.

notsofriendly 17

Bartending: half chemistry; half therapy.

Stand back, nod a few times and say yes every now and then. It works 95% of the time. Had my best years behind a bar counter, then I moved up to GM. Was a bad decision to make. People dumping their problems on you is part of the job hun. Nurture the topic. You will soon be reaping the rewards.

JMichael 25

I have a strange feeling I'll be that person..be ready for me OP.

Let me sum this up: OP gets a customer telling about who is telling her about his life problems, but her last line is literal. It IS her dad. So basically on her first shift, her dad came in, and told her that her own mother was cheating on her dad with her uncle.

Merylwen 24

What is it you don't understand in the word "could"?? "COULD BE my dad"!

Girls learn from a very young age that they have a hidden power for controlling men. They are liberated now and no longer have to pretend they don't enjoy sex too.

You're just going to have to build a stock of response lines that say nothing but make the person think you care.